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Abby put up a fight about being moved from 61178 Seminole  Road to 62708 Piscataway Street because they were on opposite ends of town. For her trouble, she was hit again and warned that next time, a gun would be used instead of a hand.

What terrified Abby was that she and Tariq Al-Mubarak were the only ones who changed locations. At the first location, Tariq shot every one of his cronies and then proceeded to set the place on fire. Abby also hadn't seen Onyx, but she sincerely hoped that he'd stay away long enough to get caught.

Because McGee was behaving like a scary force of nature to be reckoned with, Gibbs had no trouble in letting him take the lead in the field. Once they struck out at Seminole Road, they went to Piscataway Street with the local LEOs and the ambulance paramedics hanging back, waiting to be allowed to come help. Ducky and Palmer were also en route.

When McGee and the others approached the building, they found that it was a long-since abandoned shoe factory. It was the perfect place to hide out.

Surveying the perimeter first, Ziva was the first person to say something.

"McGee, Tony, Gibbs!"

Ziva had found something, and she was having a hard time wrapping her mind around it, just because of the kind of day they'd been having.

"Ziva, what is it?" McGee asked.

Ziva pointed to the sight in front of her: a parked car next to the side of the building. It was a regular family car, but as the whole area was already abandoned, it was already suspiciously out of place.

"It is Lieutenant Clarkson... or, at least what is left of him."

McGee, Gibbs, and Tony shined their flashlights to where she was pointing her own. They were greeted by the sight of Lieutenant Onyx Clarkson in his car, except... he was dead. As they looked closer, it became clear that he'd shot himself in the head.

Ziva finally broke the silence. "Abby will take this roughly. Who is alerting Ducky that there is already a dead body?"

"I will. He and Palmer already on their way." Gibbs looked back at the building. "Abby and Tariq have to be here. There's no other place, but be on your guard, everyone."

Tony nodded in agreement. "Especially because we know that this guy is a firebug."

Ziva cast a questioning look at her partner while Gibbs placed a quick call to Ducky, telling him where to find the body.

"What is a 'firebug'?" she asked curiously.

"A pyromaniac."

Understanding that word, Ziva brightened. "Oh!"

McGee coughed pointedly. "Hello—we have to go get Abby! Remember?"

Ziva nodded and assumed a poker face. "Right. Lead us."

They followed McGee into the factory, and while Gibbs and Tony took the ground floor, McGee and Ziva went to the second floor to have a look around. They met empty room after empty room, until they reached the last one on the left. It was lit, and definitely not empty.

Abby was on the floor in a corner, sitting with her legs tucked up to her chin, as far as they could go because of her baby bump. Her hair had also come undone from the style she'd put it in that morning, and her clothes were dirty and torn. She even had her head tucked in, wanting to protect herself. In a word, Abby's appearance was heartbreaking.

In Case Of Emergency, Call AbbyWhere stories live. Discover now