Revelations Again

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"Mommy, I'm so scared."

These were Rubyjane's words to Abby as they sat together in what Abby deduced to be an office of some kind in an old warehouse. Abby had tried as hard as she could to figure out on the journey over where they were, but she wasn't able to, mostly because she'd been blindfolded and was focused on consoling Rubyjane, who was thoroughly freaked out.

They still had no idea who their kidnapper was, but resourceful person that Abby was, she immediately began looking for a way out the second they were locked in. That didn't last too long, though, because what remaining composure that Rubyjane had had, it was completely gone and she burst into tears, wailing for Abby.

It took the scientist over an hour to calm her daughter down, and by that time, she was feeling just as frightened, but she decided, that for the sake of her children, she had to be strong.

"I've got you, baby." Abby murmured to Rubyjane. They were seated together on some kind of old camp bed, and though it was old and smelly, it was better than sitting on the floor.  "I've got you, I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise."

"F-for why are we here?" asked Rubyjane as she yawned and stretched out.

Abby kissed her on the top of her head. "I wish I had an answer."

Rubyjane settled her head on Abby's shoulder and pressed close to her. "Where's Timmy? I want him."

"So do I, Rubyjane. So do I."

The pair stayed quiet, and settled in to wait for the unknown.

When Gibbs found out from McGee that Abby and Rubyjane had been taken, he was understandably upset, although his frustration manifested in an unusual way.

"Special Agent McGee!"

The man in question jumped and looked up at the sound of his name to see Jenny standing before him at his desk, hands on her hips and eyebrows raised.

"Yes, director?" he asked timidly.

"What are you doing on the floor?"

For McGee was kneeling on the carpet in front of his computer in the space where his chair usually sat.

"Gibbs told me that I don't deserve a chair."

"Oh, really? And how long have you been kneeling?"

"Going on an hour, m'am."

"Well, consider your punishment lifted." Jenny pointed to McGee's chair, sitting in front of the file cabinet. "You can use your chair again."

McGee thanked her and moved his chair back, sitting down gratefully and stretching out his legs. 

Jenny walked into the middle of the bullpen and spoke to McGee, Gibbs, Tony, and Ziva at large.

"Does anybody have a lead on whoever took Abby and Ruby?"

"No, director."  Tony told her. "We really are at a loss right now, and we've been looking since McGee alerted us."

"This guy also knew where all of the cameras were." Tony added, motioning towards the plasma, where abduction footage was playing on a loop. "He's wearing a lot of things that would throw off a facial recognition program, and we never see him look at the cameras."

"Anything like tattoos visible?"

"Unfortunately, no."

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