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At the very same moment that Ziva noticed the envelope, Rubyjane saw Ziva and froze, clearly startled. She also stopped crying, now fixing Ziva with a penetrating stare, trying to figure her out.

"Hello, little one."  Ziva offered. 

Rubyjane just looked at her blankly, concentrating on her lips in an effort to read them. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Gibbs, Tony, and McGee approaching in the hallway, wanting to see what was taking so long. Ziva made frantic shushing noises and shooing motions at them.  They got the message immediately and backed off, back into the living room. 

When Ziva turned back to Rubyjane, she saw the little girl was now staring her down with an expression befitting of the phrase "if looks could kill," but that was when Ziva had an epiphany.

"Little one, can you hear me?"

Still not talking, Rubyjane made first a so-so motion with her left hand, followed by a pushing motion before she resumed rocking.

Taking care to pluck the envelope off the wall and put it in an evidence bag, Ziva left quickly. 

"Look what I found." she said, handing the bag to Gibbs. "Does this mean what I think it does?"

Gibbs examined the envelope and nodded before handing it to a crime scene tech. "Yes, it does."

"This is going to be a long case..."

"What makes you say that?" Tony asked, walking up to them with McGee.

"It's going to be a very long case," Gibbs told him. "If you two are back empty-handed only five minutes after I said go look for things to bring to Abby!"

"There honestly isn't anything, boss." McGee said quickly as Tony nodded in agreement. "The crime techs will probably find something after we leave, anyway."

"What does this mean?"  Ziva asked, mimicking the so-so motion.

"That," Ducky said as he and Palmer joined them. "Usually means 'just a little bit.' Why do you ask?"

"I asked Rubyjane if she could hear me because I think that she may be hard of hearing." Ziva made the so-so motion a second time. "This was her answer to me. At the moment, she is rocking back and forth on her bed."

Gibbs contributed his two cents. "Rubyjane is almost completely deaf."

Ziva, Tony, McGee, Ducky, and Palmer stared. 

"I know somebody who knows her." Gibbs told them by way of explination.

Taking one for the team, Tony said, "I don't suppose you're going to tell us who told you, boss?"

"Not until we get back to NCIS."  Gibbs turned to Ziva. "I want you to look after Rubyjane."

Ziva put her hands on her hips. "Because I am the woman?"

"More because I think she likes you. Turn around."

Ziva did, and sure enough, Rubyjane could be seen watching them from the doorway, this time with a kinder, gentler look. Immediately, Ziva got on her knees and faced Rubyjane, wanting to keep her from seeing the site of where Onyx had been attacked, meeting her with a kind smile in return. 

"Little one," Ziva said gently. "Do you understand me now?"

Ziva had used Sign Language and verbal speak simultaneously while posing the question. All at once, Rubyjane lit up in delight and pointed to herself, clumsily spelling out a reply with her left hand. 

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