Chapter 6

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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B Pov

I stood in the center of the room, soaking every little detail in. There was a queen size bed in the middle of the room, though I don't know why since vampires can't sleep. There was a plush, blood red carpet surrounding the bed. There was a gigantic window with curtains the same color as the carpet, and there was a walk-in closet equivalent to the size of a mini room on the opposite wall. A little bit down from the walk-in closet was a washroom with a Jacuzzi, shower, window, and I'm pretty sure you know what else.

"You know the deal. Don't you dare try any funny business while we're gone." With that final threat, Jane the pain left.

I sighed to myself before gracefully jumping onto the bed, Damn, if I was human, I would love this bed, I thought regretfully.

Just as I was beginning to relax, a foul smell reached my sensitive nostrils. I sat up. What was that smell. After walking around the entire room, nose up and sniffing like a damn dog, I realized that wherever I went, the smell seemed to follow. My eyes widened with realization when I lifted my arm up and took a sniff. EWWWWWWWW!!!!! I didn't think it was possible for vampires to stink. Was I an exception to every rule?!

Sighing to myself, I went over to the closet, grabbed a towel and went to the washroom to wash up.


I walked out of the washroom, a towel firmly wrapped around me. Walking over to the walk-in closet, I started ruffling through all the clothes.

Shit man!! You want to know why I'm saying shit? Well here's why; every piece of clothing was a DRESS. Do you understand what I'm saying? EVERYTHING was a DRESS.

Feel my pain!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Going through the clothes with more urgency, I realized something else. ALL the dresses were above my knee. Why does the world hate me?

Coming to this conclusion, I decided to compare all the dresses, The longest one would be the one which I would wear.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Even with my extra speed, it took me one damned hour to find that dress. It was a blue, mid thigh, strapless with a sweetheart neckline, and ruffles on the side dress. I put it on and walked over to the mirror in the closet. I had to say, I looked good. Walking over to the shoe section, I pulled out a pair of white heels. Now, since I'm no Alice, I am not gonna describe how they look. Not doing anything with my hair, I left it in its normal wavy look. (AN: That's Bella's dress on the side).

"Bella?" I heard someone call.

I walked out and came face to face with the entire Cullen population except for Carlisle and Esme. I looked at everybody, listening to their loud thoughts.

"Wow! Bella finally got some fashion sense!~ Alice

"My little sister finally grew up!~ Emmett

"Wow!"~ Rosalie

"Oh god!~ Jasper

And finally, the best for last.....

"Holy mother of god! Bella looks so hot, beautiful, goddess like....~ Edward

I have to say, their reactions were quite entertaining, especially Edward's.

"Did you guys need anything?" I asked politely.

"I-I-I" Edward stuttered, unable to form a complete sentence.

"We just wanted to talk," Alice said, saving him.

"Yes," Edward finally got out.

I nodded. "About what?"

Once again, Edward started to stutter. I smirked. I had to have some fun with him.

"Could guys please give Edward and I some time alone?" I asked.

They all nodded before herding themselves out of my room. Once they were out, I walked over to the door, made sure they were all gone, and locked the door.

I turned around and faced Edward, walking over to him seductively. I put my hands on his chest and gave him a slight push so he was leaning against the wall beside the walk-in closet. I blew a slight breath on his face and he inhaled deeply. Running my hands over his chest, I tangled them into his golden hair.

"Bella," he said, breathlessly.

"mmm hmmm," was my response.

He opened his mouth to say something else, but I dragged my teeth over his collar bone before he could. He gave a sharp gasp.

"Bella," he began again.

Once again, I cut him off, this time gently biting down on the place where his neck meets his shoulder. He gave a little moan.

"Bella," he said, more firmly this time. Before I could do anything to cut him off again, he grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me back a bit.


He spun us around so I was against the wall and he was leaning over me, before crashing his lips down onto mine.


That is the first time I have ever written something like that, so if it sucks, don't kill me. Plz comment on how it was. I also apologize for not updating for so long after so long, but I've been more focused on my other story and school. Can you believe that I have to do an announcement to the whole school in french on the first day back from holidays?! Pity me! I'm not even french and I'm in Grade. 8! Well anyways, MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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