Chapter 4

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It has been 1 month since the Cullen's returned. The same routine from the first day continues. Aro brings them in, they attempt to talk to me, I kick them out, Aro comes in and does what he wants to me. Of course every time they come, they all keep saying that they're sorry for what happened to me, but in all honesty, I don't care. They left and what happened, happened. All I want now is to get out of here, with or without their help.

After 250 years, I have had the time to fully plot my escape. If they are willing to help me, that would be great. If not, well then, I will still escape. Plus, today is the day I will finally talk to the Cullens and let them in on my little plan.


The door flew open like every other day. In the entrance stood Aro smirking down at me. Behind him, the Cullens were all looking down at the ground with a mournful expression on all of their faces.

"You know the drill," Aro said, before turning away to leave. Before he completely stepped out of the room he said, "Remember that next week is going to be different. Don't forget." Then he was gone with his gang of followers following him. The door slammed shut with a loud bang.

The moment the door was shut, Emmett spoke. "What did he mean by this week is going to be different?" I don't know how he hadn't realized that I didn't want to talk to them and from the others thoughts, they were wondering the same thing. Emmett sighed since I hadn't replied. All of them went and sat against the wall opposite to me. This had become a ritual. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself to talk to the family that had been the cause of all my happiness and sorrow.

"I'm sorry."

They all stared at me, their thoughts telling me that they didn't understand why I was apologizing. "I'm sorry that I have been so rude to you when all you wanted to do was mend your mistakes," I elaborated.

"Bella, it-" I cut Edward off before he could say any more.

"It is my fault, so please just agree. I wanted to talk to you all about something else." I said.

They all nodded in consent and motioned for me to continue. Letting out a sigh, I prepared myself to tell my former family about the one-sided deal Aro had made. "When Aro captured me, he made a deal with me. On every November.14th and the two weeks following, he wouldn't harm me in any way. All I had to do was kill his enemies who were invited to the party on Halloween to this castle. The difference between those years and now is that, before he would always keep me heavily guarded, blocking any opportunity to escape. This year, the entire guard is being sent out on a mission during the party, giving me the perfect opportunity to escape. I need you all to help me."

They all stared at me with growing hope shining in their eyes.

Carlisle nodded, speaking for all of them.

"Just tell us what to do."


Plz comment and vote. Read my other book if you'd like. The summary is below and the book's name is "Clarissa Adele Fairchild Morgenstern, the shadowhunter":

I was born in New York, kidnapped by my own father at age 5, and raised in Idris. My mother never bothered to find me after my father kidnapped me. He trained me to not be one of the best, but be the best shdowhunter. I hate my father for all he's done to me. I am now 16 and I plan to escape. Nothing will stop me and whatever gets in my way shall be eliminated. I am Clarissa Adele Fairchild Morgenstern, and I will escape.

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