"Sorry Poppy, you know what growing boys are like. I can make up some more for you if you like." My step mother Alison offered whilst searching the near empty fridge.

"No, um it's okay. I'll get something at school." I mumbled whilst grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"What's with all that stuff on your face? You're going to school not a night club" My father interrupted. Nagging as usual.

I ignored his remark whilst looking in the mirror. I wasn't caked in makeup like his statement suggested. Mascara and eyeliner that was all.

He muttered something to Alison before grabbing his car keys and ushering us all out the door.

I walked towards the beat up minivan. Chipped paint and rust covered the exterior. With a pathetic bumper sticker about "family". If that wasn't embarrassing enough. The back doors didn't open from the inside. So my father had to escort us out the van. Handing each of us a brown bag filled with lunch.

"Poppy. I don't have the time to be called in for meetings about your behaviour. This is a new term. Sort it out." My father demanded sternly, as we pulled into the school car park.

So I lied. I wasn't little miss perfect. I broke the rules, my attitude got me into trouble multiple times a day. Cheer captain? Most certainly not. Top grades? I've spent more time in detention than class so I think that answers that question...

Last term, my father was called in for countless meetings. The last was regarding my expressive art on the cheer squads banner. I was punished for extreme language and vandalism. The Principal made me promise to behave this term.

My father was fed up with my behaviour. To the point he'd go days without speaking to me. Subtlety reminding me how disappointed he was in me.

"Yes. Whatever." I sighed and got out the van. Throwing my hood up to avoid being spotted by people. I looked at the groups of people scattered around the school grounds. Full of smiles. Hugging their friends so happy to be here. Me on the other hand. Not one bit.

I went straight over to my locker, where my friends were stood waiting for me. Eddie. Jason, Hanna and Becca.

"What took you so long?"Hanna asked, grabbing her bag and handing me an iced coffee. Hanna was loud, annoyingly loud. But I've known her years so I guess that's why we are still friends.

"My dad wanted to have the behaviour talk again." I bit the inside of my cheek. My friends rolling their eyes. They knew my fathers talks never resulted in a change in behaviour.

"You missed Jason trying to ask Harrison to the cinema on Saturday." Eddie bawled into laughter, causing Jason to punch him.

Jason was once best friends with the cheer bitch captain. Bethany. But when she caught him making out with her boyfriend, she banished him from her friend group. But we welcomed him with open arms.

"Ask Daniel, he's always had a huge thing for you." I suggested whilst putting one earphone into my ear.

The overhead speakers began to chime indicating an announcement. 'Can all new or held back students report to Principle Hector's office immediately.'

"You'll be getting held back if you don't hand in your biology essay. You were supposed to hand it in last term." Eddie reminded me.

"Shit! Cover for me please. I need to find Emily and see if she has finished it." I ran towards Emily's lesson, and signaled for her to leave the class.

Tomorrow.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum