the part where they become friends

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   I'm going to die. The cause of death will be a firing squad, and the reason why will be I disrespected the future president. But, I crave death so it's a win/win.

When the bear said the sentence, Donald almost leaps off the roof in fear, forgoing the mystical weapon. The bear continues to hold onto the weapon, hitting Donald in the leg with the item.

Donald lets out a loud scream, wincing in pain. He watches his life flash him by. The time he won the spot of student council president over Hillary Clinton. The time his best friend, Vladimir Putin, admitted having some involvement in hacking the votes. The time he had his first kiss. The time he got a hundred dollars to go to a bake sale, but whined about it, saying it wasn't enough to afford a special cake, made into a snowflake.

After hitting Donald with the lightsaber, the bear threw it off the roof, making the orange bawl. Through tears, Donald blubbers, "M-My mystical weapon... You bro-ke it..."

"Sorry, there! You seem like such a special snowflake, I decided you could fend for yourself!" With that, the bear takes out long claws and lashes out at the student council president, making Donald start to cry more.

"I am a special snowflake!! I-I just can't fight for myself without my mystical weapon!!" Donald cries out, which causes the   bear to stop attacking. Donald's thigh highs are torn beyond repair. The monochromic bear sighs and then retracts his claws. The student council president reaches out his baby hands and then says, "I'm Donald Trump... In turn for your mercy, I will invite you into Harambeism."

The bear laughs, takes the small hand in his own paw, then shakes it. "You have yourself a deal, there, snowflake!!"

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