Mad Hatter

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It was a few days after the first meeting between the two groups, when a knock sounded on Fantasy's door. NaYeon, who was laying on the couch relaxing, jumped up and pulled it open. She came face to face with Eunwoo who was grinning sheepishly at her. "Oh, sunbae! What brings you here?" He rubbed the back of his neck, "well, I was wondering if I could borrow J.Hyo for a little while?"

Nayeon's eyes widened at his question. "I-I'll call to her. Come on in while you wait." He walked inside with a grateful smile and sat down on the couch. "JooHyo-ssi!" Nayeon called as she went down the hallway a little ways. The girl came out of her room, a towel wrapped around her head and just a towel around her body. The leader cried out in surprise, "Oh my god J.Hyo!" Eunwoo jumped up at the noise and started to head toward the sound. When he saw the scene, his jaw dropped. "I-I'm sorry," his ears and cheeks flushed a bright red as he backed away. J.Hyo looked up at him in shock before rushing back into her room. "I'll be right out!" She called, embarrassment clear in her voice.

Eunwoo sat back down on the couch, his hands covering his face. The front door opened and Hwa came in, chugging a bottle of water and spinning her keys. When she saw the familiar boy on the couch, she stopped. "Eunwoo sunbae?" He turned around quickly and looked at the girl. "Hey Hwa, sorry if I surprised you," he chuckled awkwardly. "Alright, I can tell something is up, what happened?" She walked over and sat down diagonal from him.

"Er...well, I wanted to borrow J.Hyo for a little while, so I came over here. She wasn't out here, so Nayeon went to go get her. I heard Nayeon shout in surprise, so I went to go check it out and J.Hyo was only wearing a towel..." he murmured, his cheeks flushing red as he thought about it again. Hwa began to snicker, causing Eunwoo to turn to her in surprise. "I'm sorry Eunwoo, I can't help it. That's just the way J.Hyo is, she doesn't really mind doing that in front of us. I don't think she meant to do it in front of you though." He nodded, understanding, "that makes sense...I guess..."

JooHyo came down the hall a minute later, wearing a blue Simpsons button down, partly open with a black tank top underneath and black shorts.

JooHyo came down the hall a minute later, wearing a blue Simpsons button down, partly open with a black tank top underneath and black shorts

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"What's up sunbae? Sorry about earlier..." She flopped down on the couch next to Hwa. The younger of the two stood up and smiled at both before leaving. "I-it's fine J.Hyo, I was just wondering if you'd m-maybe want to go out for s-some boba or something? I know it's around lunch time too, so maybe y-you'd want to get some food as well?" He offered, unable to look her in the eye. "Are you trying to apologize for being too strict in the practice room the other day?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "Kinda..." he admitted.

"Alright, apology accepted, let's go." She stood up and he followed, still not able to look at her. "Oh my gosh Eunwoo. It was an accident, you can look at me, there's no hard feelings," she grumbled and he slowly picked his head up to look at her, just as they headed down the stairs. "See, I'm not going to kill you," she laughed, looking over at him.

She missed a step and started to fall down the stairs but he was able to grab her arm and stabilize her again. "There are about six ways I want to call you an idiot right now," he sighed. "T-thank you E-Eunwoo," she breathed out a sigh of relief.

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