Love at First Sight

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It's the starting of a new school year in Felix's high school, Felix was the only Swedish boy in his school, so he got picked on and bullied a lot. He did not have any friends, for he was too shy to talk to anyone. Felix also discovered last year that he was gay. He never told anyone, and he tried to keep it as secret as he can.

Felix's P.O.V

I was dropped off at the school at eight. I looked up at the school and the people around me.

"Okay Felix, this year you will not be picked on! And you will make friends!" I whispered to myself.

"As if nerd!" A common bully laughed.

I growled, and marched off. I tried to ignore their insults as I walked off, but I couldn't. They made fun of my looks, my Swedish talk, and they called me gay, even though they didn't realize I actually was. I felt tears in my eyes as I headed to my class. I wiped them away with my sleeve. When I entered the class I found my seat in the back of the class and placed my bag on the floor. I opened up my notebook and started writing down some thoughts of mine. It wasn't exactly a diary, more like a journal, I didn't write any dark secrets, just things that have happened and my thoughts. The rest of the class sat in the rows in front of me, and I sat alone. I didn't really mind.
The teacher walked into the room, and began to welcome us to the new year, she then started to talk science, since this was science class. I opened my text book and followed along, when the teacher asked a question, and called on a student in front of me who knew the answer. He had brown hair in the back, but the top of his head was green, the boy spoke with a thick Irish accent.

"Uh, I think it's..."

I didn't even bother to listen to him, I was too serenaded by his voice.  I didn't even properly look at this man, but boy he was something. I ended up staring at the back of his head for the entire class. When class ended, I walked out shaking.

"Hey Felix!" A voice called.

I knew who it was, it was an older boy who picked on me earlier.

"What do you want James?!" I yelled at him.

"Woah woah, chill shorty!" He mocked.

James' friend Martin walked up next to him, and joined in.

"Awe hey there gay boy!" He laughed.

"I'm not gay!" I growled.

"What's this shorty?" James said as he ripped my journal out of my hand.

"Give it back!" I said, jumping to grab it.

A crowd started to form around us. I saw the top of the Irish boy's head in the back of the crowd. Now I felt worse.

"Today I was bullied once again, I haven't even been at school for five minutes. They're calling me gay..." James read, as Martin started to push me and hit me.

I started to cry as I was shoved and hit, and being mocked of my journal. Eventually James finished reading today's entry. Nobody in the crowd helped me, not even the Irish boy. I tried my best to hide my face, but everyone knew who I was already. They tossed my journal onto the floor next to me. They walked out of the crowd laughing, and everyone stood their mocking me, laughing at me, I grabbed my journal and ran off, heading towards the bathroom. I ran into the bathroom stall with tears streaming down my face. I locked myself in so I could be alone.

"It's not fair! I just want to have a good year! What's wrong with me?!" I cried.

I then heard the bathroom door open, in fear, I sat on the toilet and lifted my legs, hiding myself, so maybe if it were the bullies, I would not be seen. But to my surprise, it was not.


I heard two voices, one really deep, and one was the Irish boy.

"Mark did you see what happened out there?" The Irish boy said.

"Unfortunately." Mark sighed.

It was Mark Fischbach, one of the most well known guy's in my school. He wasn't exactly popular, just everyone liked that guy, he was a nice guy too. He seemed to just have a plain heart of gold. He had dark brown hair with red hair on the top. I've always wanted to be his friend, he seems like such a fantastic guy.

Mark's P.O.V

My stomach felt ill from the sight of the bulling of that Swedish boy, Felix. I wanted to go in and help, but the crowd was too thick, I couldn't get through. I've seen that kid around before, he was a weaker guy, shorter than me, same age though. He was interesting, I always had a good vibe around him even though I've never talked to him.

"I wanted to help him but, the crowd was too thick, I couldn't get through." I grumble.

"Yeah, poor guy. Does he have any friends?"

"No, because everyone here is a dick, they stay within their group of friends and exclude everyone."

"Even you? But you're so kind and well known!"

"Jack, I said they exclude everyone."

"Well, I'm knew here and you know that. Back in Ireland everyone was different. Sure it wasn't super happy fun times, but me and my friends would accept people trying to find friends."

"I know Jack."

"I hate to see people do this to others!" Jack yelled.

I sigh, "Fuck this school."

I heard the bell ring, and left the bathroom with Jack behind me. As I walked, my heart ached, and I could hear the people laughing at Felix in my head. I got more angry each second. I then saw Felix behind us when I turned the corner of the hall. His eyes were red from tears, but he was blushing and smiling softly. Was he in the bathroom and heard us? I pretend to turn around and don't look directly at Felix, and act confused, hopefully to make it seem like I heard something, to my surprise, he was staring at Jack. I turn back around.

Felix's P.O.V

I cannot stop thinking of what Mark said, and what Jack, the Irish boy said. I exit the bathroom and follow them to my classroom, seems that they have the same class. I stare at Jack, such a nice guy it seems. He also is new, which I learned. The name Jack was in my head during the whole walk. I then reached my class and they sat down before me, since they were ahead of me. I sit far from them, closer to the front on the left. I never sit here. Then, Mark pulled up a seat next to me, Jack sat next to him. I couldn't really see Jack too well from where I was sitting, but I kept my head down in my journal, and didn't look at Mark.

"Heya Felix!" He said cheerfully.

"Hey." I say silently.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier, those guys are jerks."

"It's okay, it isn't your fault." I look at him, he's beaming at the sight of me.

"Do you want to have lunch with me and Jack?" He asked.

Jack looked over at us joyfully, "Yea! Do ya?"

My eyes widen at the sight of his actual face. It was perfect. Ocean blue eyes and a smile that can light up anyone's day. I was blushing slightly.

"Felix?" He says. The way he says my name makes my day.

"S-Sure!" I chuckle.

"That's the spirit!" Mark says, playfully punching my arm.

When I saw Jack I felt like collapsing, I felt like flying, he was just so, I can't even explain it. Why would a cool guy like him want to be friends with a loser like me? Why would someone so boss even think of liking me back. I opened my journal and started writing our names all over. Then something came to me, Jelix. It was true. I loved this guy.

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