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The cold winter breeze blew against Taehyung's body, sending a shiver down his spine and causing him to stop in his own tracks. The weather had been extremely cold lately, dropping down to the twenties or even getting to ten degrees (Fahrenheit). Taehyung was really a fond of the weather since he was really a five-year-old on the inside and loved playing in the snow. Though Hoseok wasn't really fond of it, he constantly complained that the snowy weather would ruin all the pretty flowers he set up around the house.
Now that Christmas was right around the corner, Taehyung could spoil his boyfriend all he wanted and the two could spend time together by themselves since Yoongi was forced a bit during the week of Christmas.

"Hoseok! I'm home!" The boy called out as he tried to hide a small present in his coat. The aforementioned boy came running to the door with a bright smile (and dimples holy shit).

"You're home!" Hoseok beamed and automatically wrapped his arms around his lover. "Oh, you're cold! Come on, there's a fire in the living room," he smiled and took Taehyung's hand into his and led the boy into the warm room where the prettiest and most delightful tree sat and a beautiful fire illuminated the room. The two sat down on the couch and smiled at each other.
"How was your day?" Hoseok smiled and grabbed his cup of hot cocoa from the table.

"Alright, it could've been better, though," Taehyung shrugged and grabbed the blanket that he was sitting on. "But I'm fine now." He smiled at Hoseok and lifted his finger up, gesturing the elder over with a slightly smirk. Hoseok chuckled and set his warm cup down back onto the table before slowly crawling over to his lover and cuddling into their chest. "But how was your day? I wanna hear about that."

"It was okay," Hoseok shrugged and pulled over his body. "It was lonely since your dad left and you too." The boy pouted and Taehyung found the boy nuzzling into his chest. 

"Ah, I'm sorry babe. At least I get the rest of the week off~" the younger smiled and patted Hoseok's head. 

The two sat in silence, Hoseok may have (and accidentally) fell asleep on Taehyung's chest, though, the boy didn't seem to care. Taehyung slowly and carefully sat up from the couch, holding Hoseok carefully in his arms before he began stepping upstairs to his room. Hoseok squirmed in his arms a bit and Taehyung tried his best to stay quiet. He pushed the door to his room open and crept over to his bed to carefully place Hoseok down on the comfortable mattress. He set the elder down and smiled, Hoseok was too perfect for him. Too perfect.

He kissed the boys forehead and brushed some of his black hair from out of his face before turning to leave the room, yet he was stopped by Hoseok's mumbling, "Mnh, stay with me.."

Taehyung smiled and shut the lights off before navigating his way through the darkness of his room and crawled into bed. "Of course. I'll always stay with you," he whispered and placed a kiss on Hoseok's cheek before pulling the covers over both of them.





here is everyones thanksgiving present~



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