« part four »

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"Hoseok, why have you been crying?"
The elder looked into Taehyung's eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat before giving in and tears started falling down his face. "I'm sorry!" He cried into the younger's chest and wouldn't stop. "M-My mom hates me, she kicked me out!"

"Why'd she do such a thing?" Taehyung whispered, letting the boy inside and shut the door as he brought the florist into the kitchen, sitting him down at the small table and sat down across from the boy.

Hoseok ignored him and continued to cry, his face was covered and hidden within his arms. "Hoseok, why'd she kick you out?" Taehyung stood up and enveloped the boy in his arms, letting the elder cry into his chest. "What's wrong?" Hoseok lifted his head up and Taehyung only just noticed a bruise under the boy's eye. "Hoseok? Why would she do this?!"

Hoseok took the younger's hand and dragged him upstairs, into the boy's room and shut the door behind him. "Hoseok, I'm trying to help you! Tell me, please.." The boy begged and his voice lowered as Hoseok sat down on Taehyung's bed. "Please." He sat down across from the florist and looked at him with worry.
"I-If I tell you, you won't get angry?"

"I promise."

Hoseok sighed and stared down at the mattress, he let his tears stop falling down his face and took a moment to think of words to say. "Take your time, I'll wait all night if I can," Taehyung said soothingly as he looked up at the elder.

"I-I was sitting in my room," The florist paused. "looking out at the sunset and admiring how pretty it was for this summer evening. My mother suddenly entered the room, she began yelling at me because she thought I wasn't doing a good job tending flowers and that I've been hanging out with friends. I told her that she was wrong and you were only a friend who I enjoyed to have around."

Taehyung's insides smiled, Hoseok thought he was great to have around. "And?"

"And..s-she got..'offended'. She.." Hoseok wiped his eyes and looked into Taehyung's own eyes. "She..called me.." More tears fell down his face and this time they wouldn't stop falling. "I-I don't know if I can say it myself..!"

Taehyung sighed and scooted closer, close enough for the boy to wrap his arms the florist and squeeze him tightly. "It's okay, just because you're different, doesn't make me hate you. Your mom is the real one who needs to rethink about kicking her son out of the house." Hoseok cried even more and the younger squeezed him even more. "You don't have to go back to her tonight, you can stay with me." He assured with a smile and ran his soft fingers through the elder's hair as the boy continued to cry. "Cry all you want, I'll be right here, okay?"

Hoseok cried and cried and cried; no matter how many tears fell, Taehyung would continue to cradle the boy in his arms and whisper nice and soothing words into his ear. "It's okay," and Hoseok's cried finally began faded.

"Taehyung..she kicked me out because I wasn't like her..because I didn't fit her standards...she kicked me out because I'm not attracted to women.." Hoseok whimpered, his face still hidden in Taehyung's chest.

"I know," the younger said and let out a sigh. "And she hit you." 
Hoseok nodded.
"You don't have to worry about her anymore, I'm here." Taehyung smiled and squeezed the elder tightly. "Do you want me to make something?"
Hoseok nodded again, but with a smile.

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