"Nice yo meet you!" I heard Cameron shaking hands with the taller guy out of them.

"Nice to see you again Nina!" He said shaking my hand then giving me a hug and kissing my left cheek. My face pursed in confusion we met before?

"Do I know you? Sorry I am not following" I said, he smiled amused?

"Lou bought you up for dinner with Stan and.."

"Oh yeah! Yeah... I remember now. Sorry, you look different, and your name is..." I said referring to his hair.

"Harry, not a problem petel" he said moving on to greet the other boys and girls.

I greeted the other blode who's name is Niall and Olly and of course Louis who's enjoying himself very much for some odd reason.

Time passed quickly, practice had come to an end. We were losing the day light and everyone was fairly tired.

I gathered my stuff after giving the team the talk 'relax and sleep early' making my way to the exist when everyone left. My legs carried me to the 'special place' dropping my bag down and stretched my legs sprawled on the grass. I got a text from mom asking when will I come back.

"In about 30 minutes, getting fresh air"

I texted, throwing my phone on the ground beside me and closing my eyes.

"I knew I would find you here," I heard.

I title my head slightly backwards,
"Aren't you a miracle worker. Smart pants," I mocked.

"Thank you, thank you love. Finally some appreciation for my brilliancy" Louis said, taking the short steps towards me and plotting down beside my body.

"Are you scared?" Louis asked after a few short silent moments.

I smiled my eyes closed. "No" I answered. He didn't say anything for a few seconds so, I opened my eyes moving my head slightly to look at him. "What?" I ask, rubbing my face thinking that maybe something is on my face as he continues to look at me.

"You're beautiful" he said. I giggled slapping his stomach. " Oh look at this!" I joked sliding his shirt up.
He pulled his shirt down slapping my arm, "It's better than mine," I said referring to his growing six pack.

"Yeah! Show me yours" Louis says and tries to lift my shirt making me wiggle in my place and scream and squeal for him to let go. I hug my shirt towards me squealing "no" my back now facing him. I don't feel him making an attempt towards me so I turn back around. Louis was on up on his elbow, smiling.

"What's that smile for?" I ask resting my hands on my stomach.

He shrugged his shoulder, resting his cheek on his palm. I closed the short distance between him and I curling up like a kitten against his chest. I wrapped my one arm around his waist and rested my face on the other. He didn't move an inch so I made his arm wrap itself around me. " Stay" I spoke then closed my eyes.

It felt like I was floating on a soft fluffy cloud, opening my eyes I was greeted by Louis's chest pressed against my cheek. I got up my phone ringing.

Mom 👑

I groaned noticing the time, "Sweety where are you?" She spoke worried immediately as I answer the phone.

"I am sorry mom I lost track of time.." I started but my phone was snatched from me.

"Hi Mrs. Statham, it's Louis!"
"I am great thanks love, how have you been?"
"I am so sorry, I was planning for tomorrow's game with Captain Nina and we totally lost track of time,"
"Yes I will be collaborating tomorrow hopefully I will see you there love!"
"I will drop her off right away,"
"Thank you my love, goodbye" Louis ends the phone call and hands me my phone.

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