"I ask when I feel it appropriate."

My skin turns pale. "Are you assuming he will die s-

"I assume nothing. I take the records when I deem it wise."

A grown forms upon my lips as Lord Kane motions me to come and see what he looks upon.

"Queen Kloe, a rogue and beauty. Legend says it was her blue eyes alone that drew the King to her."

"How did they meet?" I ask, looking upon the letters I cannot read on the stone. It's all in Latin, as my own story shall be as well.

"The King was holding a battle between rogues, trying to find a victor. Her father was placed into the ring and the King saw her pleading with a guard. He said she could either marry him or have her father lose the battle."

"I assume she stayed with him," I comment, only to watch as Lord Kane shakes his head.

"She fought for her father, stepping into the ring for him. No women rogues were allowed to fight, and she decided to do that, let her father live. Her opponent died within minutes of the fight."

"So how did the King win her?" I ask, tracing my fingers upon the letters as Lord Kane looks back for the statue of Queen Kloe. With long hair that surpasses her waist, her face carved to perfection, and her eyes, so much detail upon those.

"He pursued Queen Kloe for one year until she gave into his charm. They married within a week."

"They were mates?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"They both knew the instant they saw one another, only rogues were different from today, how the royals treated them. Thy both knew the threat they were put their sides in. King Theodore and Queen Kloe were the true Romeo and Juliet, just that they lived longer. He died in battle and she died two years later after giving up."

The mood turns bitter. Way to ruin the moment. "Why are you telling me their stories? To teach me something?"

"You will be known as a rogue Queen, Queen Sybil, and I'm showing you fellow rogue Queen's journeys to the throne."

"Then whose next?" I ask. "A Queen that went insane or died for her Kingdom?"

"Neither, the next I want to show you is your own."

I raise an eyebrow as Lord Kane leads me out of the chamber, down a long hall and into another chamber. Yet this chamber bears no caskets, only empty ones as the words upon the walls are not even finished. "This is where you shall be laid to rest beside Zion after many years."

Many years.

I pray.

"Why show me this?" I ask, cocking my head to the side as Lord Kane shows me Zion's side.

"King Zion's wall has been started. His childhood."

"What was his childhood like?" I ask, looking at the words I cannot read. Zion has told me much of his childhood as I have of my own. His is one that makes my heart pound in my chest as I wonder what emotions it left upon him that I still have not uncovered.

"Happy until his mother died. Happy in a sense of what his parents were like to him. Devastating in how he was to prepare for the role as King. At seven his father had him watch an Alpha that tried to kill the King get his head ripped off his spine."

Sebastian. My own mate met a similar death. The mate whose murderer I married and love with my heart. The man whose child I now bear.

"Why show me Zion's wall?"

"Future, Sybil. Past and future is what this wall holds. Your past written and your future to be written. It's tradition for every Queen to be shown this place, their chamber to be buried. Secrets have no domain here. Truth is all that lies here." Lord Kane leans against the wall. "You cannot lie upon these tablets, so, people like me who take on the role of writing these stories down take Queens down here to tell them they can ask anything about their husband and all secrets will be told."

"So basically I ask anything about Zion and you have to tell me?" I clarify, looking to the wall that tempts me to ask endless questions. But what would that show? I take advantage of an opportunity to ask things I would be too much of a coward to ask Zion? It would show I do not trust or pounce too early to get any news. Sure, I want to know so much about Zion that I may not know, but Zion will tell me.

He tells me now.

I could ask about Lillian, about what she was like. I could ask about Zion's first crush or even his parents. I could ask topics about Zion I know Zion would not want to speak of.

But that would show distrust.

I trust Zion.


"No?" Lord Kane asks, confused.

"I hold no questions."

"You have one chance to do this, Sybil. You don't have any questions over something you are unsure of with Zion?"

"I know if I want those questions answered, I will ask Zion."

Lord Kane cocks his head to the side. "Are you serious?" I nod. "You truly trust him-

"Should I question his every motive and action?"


"Then no," I reply. "I trust Zion and if I want something answered, he is who I shall approach upon the matter."

Lord Kane nods, speechless as I look around the room. "Should we leave, I don't like the fact that I'm in the room where I shall one day by burrows."

A soft chuckle leaves Lord Kane as he nods his head. "Yes, we shall leave, Queen Sybil."

As we leave the temple, I know the endless chances I have just thrown away. I could of asked anything and yet I threw that all out the window.

As we enter the palace once more and part ways, the question I was dying to ask most pounds against my skull, wanting to be let loose still. I held back that question, never letting it leave my mouth as I knew the consequences I would play with if I had asked it.

The question?

What was the question?


Will Zion last long enough to see his son...

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