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We made out for what felt like hours. It was probably way less than that though.

We eventually stopped and started cuddling. We didn't talk about what happened yet since we were too tired and had already passed out.

I woke up in his arms the next morning, both of us shirtless. I carefully tried to move from his chest without waking him. I quietly got up and found my shirt somewhere on the floor.

Yoongi's POV

I woke up feeling my arm being lifted gently. I heard the bed squeeking and  felt the weight shifting as she tried to get off the bed. I opened my eyes and saw her looking for her shirt. I looked down and noticed that I was also shirtless. She turned around, in the midst of putting it on. She was in a plain bra and the same leggings she was wearing the night before. She was ethereal. Breathtaking. Beautiful. I smirked at her slyly.

She started to panic and put her shirt on immediately. I just stared at her and her beauty.

"I should go, I-I'm sorry .. Ahhh" She said while rubbing her temples.

"Stay. You still have a hangover. "

"But I should re-"

She nodded and sat back down infront of me.
She couldn't look at me. It seems like she was ashamed.

"So .." I said, breaking the sharp silence.

"So." She said, still not looking at me.

"Can we talk about what happened last night ?"

"Okay .."

Your POV :

"I like you, okay ? A lot. I've liked you for a long time now. Not just because of what happened last night. I didn't expect us to do what we did"

I was speechless. So shook. I just stared at him for a moment, trying to process what he had just said. He stared back at me, waiting for an answer.

"I didn't know you felt that way. I've always liked you too" I blushed. He started smiling so wide. He looked so happy.
"But I wanna let you know that I didn't come here and plan for us to makeout either, okay ?" I added, giggling.

He was still smiling.
"What are we gonna do then? Does this mean we're together ?" He asked excitedly.

"I .. Yoongi, I like you so much; but I don't know if being together is the right thing to do."
His smile started to fade at the sound of my heartbreaking words.

"W-what do you mean ?"
He seemed so devestated. This hurt me so much.

"You're my best friend, Suga. What happens to our friendship if we date ? It could affect the guys, especially Tae. And what happens if we break up ? I don't want what happened with Tae to happen to us, yknow ? I value our friendship so much."

He was looking down, collecting his thoughts.

"As much as that decision hurts me .. You're right."

I shifted so that I was beside him and rested my head on his shoulder, my head still aching from the alcohol.

"Should we tell the guys ?" I asked quietly.

"We should. Not right now though. I wanna spend today with you" he answered, looking up at me. He smiled sweetly.

I reached into his closet to borrow one of his sweaters. It was stained with his musky, sweet scent. He also changed into a hoodie as well and ripped jeans.
I then threw my hair into a messy bun and we headed out.

We drove to a nearby Phở place since phở is the best for hangovers. We seated ourselves and ordered a large beef soup to share.
Yoongi also got a couple of appetizers that I have never tried before.

"Here try this !! It's so good, you'll love it" he said, picking up the appetizer with his chop sticks and feeding it to me.

Our waitress walked up to us and said "Awh, you guys are so cute ! are you dating ?"

"Haha, no we're just best friends" Yoongi answered.

We had just finished eating and a thought came to mind.
"How are we gonna tell them ? Do we tell them in person ? Or should we text them ?"

"Hmm, maybe in person. Is that okay with you ?"
I nodded. We then invited them to Yoongi's place to talk.

The boys arrived together (minus Tae) later that day. We all sat down in Yoongi's living room; I sat beside Yoongi feeling nervous as fuck.

"Okay, so [Y/N] and I made out last night and we know we like each other .." He said calmly.

All of the boys were shocked. They knew we liked each other, but didn't know that would happen.

Hoseok instantly got up and hugged the both of us. "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS. I SHIP THIS SO HARD. FIGHTING !!!"

"Hobi, we're not dating" he said coldly.
Hoseok released from his hug and looked disappointed.

"Wait explain to us what exactly happened" Namjoon said curiously.

"I was sad last night because I missed having a boyfriend, so I came here and Yoongi & I got drunk and started making out" I explained.

"Then we confessed that we like each other, but for the sake of all of our friendships we decided not to date" Yoongi added.

"We didn't plan to makeout or anything, it just happened" I said.

"We just wanted to tell you guys because you're our friends. What we did affects our friendship" said Yoongi.

The guys just stared at us.

"Please don't tell Tae. He'll probably get mad at Yoongi for going for his ex, especially since he's trying to get me back"

They were all still quiet.

"Well ? Say something ?" Yoongi said, breaking the silence.

"It's nice of you to think about us when this thing mainly affects you two" Jin said.

"I want you both to be happy. If your decision makes you happy, then go ahead" Namjoon said endearingly.

"I think this is all bullshit. You guys like each other. When two people like each other, they should date !" Hoseok said, seeming upset.

"But what happens if we break up ? Its already awkward enough because of Tae & I's breakup. And again, I don't want Tae to get mad. He might end our entire friendship because of me & Yoongi yknow ?"
Hoseok nodded.

"We'll be here to support whatever you decide now and in the future" Jungkook & Jimin said encouragingly.

"Thank you" Yoongi and I said together.

For the rest of the day we all just stayed at Yoongi's and chilled, trying not to think about what happened.

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