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A Few Days Later

"Sire, that is not permitted by law! Not to mention that is just not the way of life!"

"I do not care what law says! We have no other choice! That boy has grown up in this castle I basically consider him my own!"

I sat outside the King's meeting hall. No one knew I was there but ever since Phillip left, I have been listening in on these conferences. So far the discussion has consisted of who is to be the next King of Lathance. The King argued that the next King should be me. I was incredibly honored and scared of this notion. Me? The next King of Lathance. I could only imagine. The royal council were strongly against this proposal. Their strongest argument being I am not of noble blood. However the King was persistent and slowly wearing them down.

"How do we know he even wants this responsibility!? Maybe he feels the same a Phillip and will run off once he is given the chance!"

"Nonsense! I know Jack and I believe he is fit to be king! Quiz the boy yourself! He knows all there is to know about this kingdom! He knows how it works and what it takes to keep it efficient! I wouldn't waste the council's time by crowning someone who was unfit for the task! The coronation is in a matter of days, we have no other heir. Jack is our only option!"

There was a silence.

I locked my fingers together and prayed to God that they approved me to be next in line.

I heard a sigh then another short silence. "All those in favor for Jack to be crowned the next King of Lathance raise your right hand."

I prayed even harder then I ever had before.


"All hail the honorable King Jack!" The priest announced.

"All hail King Jack!" The kingdom rejoiced.

I stood before my people, proud as any person could be. If only my brothers were here to see this moment. Both of them.

The King and Queen watched with pride as if I was really their son. Right now, I felt like I was. I did live with them for most of my life, so they were almost like my parents.

The King rose from his throne. "And now--!" He announced. "We feast!"

I sat in the largest chair at the end of the table. It was such an empowering view.

"Well King Jack, I am glad we finally got to meet you." The King of Escadonia said. The princess sat next to him. She didn't say much but every time our eyes met, she blushed. We were soon to be married despite the fact that we haven't been formally introduced. "I couldn't have been happier to give my daughter off to such a promising young king!"

"You're flattering me, your highness!" I laughed.

"Annabelle! You haven't said a word to your future husband! Go on! Don't be shy!"

She looked very panicked. I could tell she tried to form words but couldn't.

"Oh James! They will warm up to each other soon enough! Leave the poor girl alone!" The King said lightheartedly.

"Um, Jack may I have a word?" The Queen asked standing from her seat.

"Yes ma'am." I said rising from my seat.

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