I turn to Luke, laughing at the foam mustache he has from his hot chocolate with whipped cream.

Giving me a concerned look from my random giggle fest, Luke raises one eyebrow which only makes me laugh harder cause of his moustache.

"You saving that for later?" I tease, tapping my upper lip, and he rubs at it furiously, his cheeks tinting pink.

In the end, after a lengthy debate on acting skills, special effects, and bad graphics, we finally settle on the first Harry Potter  movie, because let's face it- everyone is a Potter fan at heart.

Adamantly shoving popcorn in my mouth, I laugh at a joke in the movie, even though it's really not that funny to anyone else. Feeling someone's eyes on me, I glance around the room, my gaze meeting Luke's. He stares at me wide-eyed, and I raise my eyebrows at him, mouthing what.

"You eat like a complete and utter pig. Gosh woman, the food wont disappears any time soon- you eat as if you'll never see it again." He says, fighting off a grin to keep his dramatic, shocked look in place.

I feel my face redden at his accusation, which is totally true because I do love my popcorn, but hopefully its cloaked by the dark of the room.

"Shut-up." I mutter, jabbing my elbow into his ribs, which appears ineffective seeing as he doesn't so much as flinch.

Luke ignores me though, his eyes raking over my short body in surprise.

"How does this little body handle all of...that?" He emphasizes, and I feel my face burning so much it's as if the face of the sun was Luke's amused gaze.

"J-just shut up...you, you know what? Your right nipple is bigger than the left!" I announce, proud of myself for making up some kind of comeback.

His face shows horror as he scowls at me, faking a hurt expression. Clawing a hand over his heart, he raises his eyebrows at me, a grin twitching at the corners of his mouth.

"How dare you use my inept nipple size against me?! This is injustice. Take that back!" He pokes my collarbone, pouting his lower lip in dismay at my words.

I just laugh, patting his chest before turning my eyes back to the movie.

"Don't worry Lukie, I like your inept nipple size." I murmur, cuddling into his gigantic sized chest.

He kisses my forehead, a satisfied grin on his face as his arm tightens around me.

"Of course you do. Chicks dig it."

.  .  .  . .

Throwing my hands up to cover myself, with all the blood in my body rushing to my face, I shout words out, embarrassment burning in my veins.

"Oh my sweet Lord of baby Jesus- Don't look at me, just-just TURN AROUND!! Please, ohmygod! Stop looking!" My voice starts getting really high-pitched as I run out of air until I'm practically screeching, unable to stop the blush that's bleaches my cheeks like a bad sun-burn in the dead of August.

Scrambling for the door knob, his face possibly redder than mine while he stutters and mumbles, unable to form a coherent sentence, his eyes darting around the room, looking at anything but me.

While I reach desperately for the shirt and sweatpants I had placed on the counter, my other hand trying to cover my bare, exposed skin.

Suddenly the door flies open, knocking into a half-naked Nathan, and sending him barreling into me, the force of his body throws me off balance, falling to the floor with him on top of me. The open door reveals a flustered Helen, and Matteo, both of which gape at the scene before them.

Love, EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now