Chapter 2

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You were looking for a seat, when you noticed that the kid with blue hair was sitting alone. "Mind if I sit here?" You said, "Sure yew can!", he replied with a thick cockney accent. "The way he speaks is quite funny," you pondered in thought "yet also kinda cute". The absent-eyed fellow looked at you with a striking grin, "Fank yew 'bout before...uhm.. what's ya name? I'm Stuart, Stuart Pot!", "Nice to meet you! I'm y/n", "Ohhh, I've 'eard 'bout yew! Yew're the new wan, royt?", he asked. "Yup!", you hastily replied. Then, the two of you talked about each other and your interests all the way to school.

You were happy you made a new friend, and found out you were in the same class. You and Stuart spent every day playing together - soon becoming best friends. You continued to see each other until the end of high school, when you both had to think about the future. You decided to move back to California to attend university, and you lost any contacts with Stu, you thought you would never see your blue-haired pal again.

Time skip ('Doctor Who Theme #3' plays)

You have finally ended your studies in biology and it was time to search for possibilities of work in the area.

One day, you received a phone-call. A company of biological research offered you a job, in Crawley. "Jiminy Cricket!? England?! Oh Lord... again? Well, I can't refuse this", you thought to yourself, so you accepted. It was not so bad to return to Crawley though; thoughts of your euphoric childhood came back slowly- memories you thought would not return to you for many years.

You moved in two weeks.


End of chapter 2

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