*Pocky Day / Happy Birthday*

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Hello everyone!
I've come with some good news.
And I'd like to apologise for the spam recently. ^^;

Anyhow, I'll get to the point..
It's Pocky Day!

And though it is another random day, it is also very special to me, because it is a special someone's birthday!!

Drum roll please~!!

It is Nee-chan's birthday!!!
(Aka: QueenArisuArtimis )
So please, go wish her a happy birthday! Spam her account with love! She deserves all the love in the world and I only wish I could give it to her.. 😊

To nee-nee:
I can't believe you're growing up so fast! I remember when I first met you, we were both young and full of energy. I still look back on your page (like the stalker I am) and see the first time we met and all our little funny moments. You are my life, and i love you with all my heart. You never gave me a reason to hate you, and you never gave me a reason to not trust you. You have always been there for me, and i know you are one of the BIGGEST reasons why I'm still here and still pushing through everyday. I'll do anything for you, and I know you'll do the same. ^^
So... I hope you have an amazing birthday, filled with lots of love and laughter. You're finally 15~ you're making me feel old. ;-; hehe~
I know you felt as if today would be bad, but I only wish the best for you today. ^-^ So please try to enjoy today! You only get your birthday once a year~

Now, I hope everyone has a fun pocky eating day! And please make sure to spam my lovely nee-nee with some birthday wishes~! Good day~ ^^

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