She knocked her head against the metal door and surrenders because no matter how hard she screams until her throat soar and kicking the door until her toes hurt, no one will help her.

A sigh left her lips before sliding down against the door and tears' rolling down her eyes for the first time since high school start or maybe this is the first time she ever cried, it's what she thinks.

Before she could stand up from the floor, the door swung open and makes her fall backwards. The pain didn't make her cry louder; the cry was the cry of happiness that she finally out from the janitor for about one a half hour.

She opened her eyes staring her eyes to two eyes above her and immediately stopped crying but still sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hwiyoung..." Hanna said wiping her tears with her front hand and tried to stand up but failed when her shoes were drenched in floor soap.

Knitted brows appeared on Hwiyoung face, "What happen to you?" he asks as he helped her stand up by holding her arms.

A force smile appears on Hanna's face, "Long short story, Hwi." She said before brushing the dust on her drenched skirt.

A sympathy look on Hwiyoung's face as he scanned Hanna top to bottom and finally took off his jacket before putting it around Hanna's shivering body.

"Let me get you change." He said before dragging Hanna towards the ladies room for the second time because of this.

Hanna didn't comment and agreed that she was shivering because the soap all over her and went along.

"You look wrecked and let me cure you after this, okay?" he said after realizing the cuts and scars on her face suddenly caring. Hanna nod her before continue walking.

Even though they were classmates, Hwiyoung never talked to Hanna—well maybe once when she tried to find the principal office and he was the first person that talked to her.

He was seated at the very left corner of the class room, far from where Hanna was seated and barely makes a conversation.

The people that walk around the hallway make a confuse face and laugh when they saw Hanna walk towards the ladies room looking like a kid who play with the rain and got scolded by the mother.

"I'll go get some spare uniform from the teacher, let me handle it, okay? I like helping." He said before disappearing from the door and Hanna shut the door before walking inside the shower inside the locker room.


"Do you know where Hanna goes?" Rowoon asked out of breath to the girls who accidently bumped them both; when the found Hanna nowhere inside the janitors' room, they quickly ran back towards the class.

The girls shook their head before continue walking and left Juho and Rowoon in the middle of the hallway dumbfounded.

"Hey guys," Hwiyoung greeted them as he passed them before going to the left where the girls' locker room is.

"Wait," Rowoon said before remembering what Hwiyoung bring, "Why did he bring a girls uniform?" he said before glancing at Juho who shorter than him and ran towards where Hwiyoung headed.

A smile creep on Hanna's face when Hwiyoung gave her the spare uniform and didn't have to worry about the fee. She stares in front of the mirror as she adjusting the uniform.

She's glad that the school provides shower facility for the girls basket team and the rugby, because if there's no shower room in the school she didn't know where to take a shower when Hanna knew that it could be her routine here.

She had to deal with Wendy and the gang for the rest of high school just because one guy and they acted like he's belongs to them when he's not.

"They don't know who their messing with," Hanna said before a sigh left her lips. They didn't know yet about her father, but she knew it wouldn't be good if they knew, because their mean.

She was so sure they would do anything to make someone suffer when they had something they didn't have.

Maybe Hanna didn't know them so well, but from what she heard around the school they are mean to someone who stole their crown.

There must be some reason why their acted that way and Hanna knew why; the guys didn't accept their feelings even though they acted nice to them.

Hanna went towards the door but the door opened before she could touch the knob. She jumped back and screamed.

"Hey, it's okay. It's us." Rowoon said before approach Hanna who looked like a scared kid that's been chased by a wolf.

A relief sigh left Hanna's lips while she closed her eyes.

A frown then appeared on Hanna's face when she remembered that they didn't want to talk to her for the past two weeks and now they appeared inside the girls shower room with sweats all over their forehead.

"I know it was them, they will never stop aren't they?" Juho said when they seated inside the classroom. Hanna told the story what happened earlier and Juho's instincts are right when they did it to her again.

Hanna crossed her arms on the top of the table before looking at the boys who seated next and in front of her desk.

Little did she know that she loved them both, but she didn't show them how glad she is because she didn't know how.

No not in this situation where she "dated" Taeyang and it wouldn't help or do any better if she confess how she truly feels to one of them; well it wasn't that clear but at least she knew who keep the butterflies fly in her stomach.

They were there when she needed them or even when she didn't realize that she needed help but they were there for her. Juho was clearly having a feeling towards Hanna and she didn't even know how to accept when she confused, and also Rowoon.

Indirectly, Rowoon told Hanna how he feels towards her when he kissed her in the nurse room and when he knew Hanna "dated" Taeyang because something.

There's a lot of problems that she's facing yet she can't even solve it even she had help from someone. It just getting worse and worse every time.

sorry that i update late because im sooooo in love with vampire diaries!

anyway don't forget to vote and comment!



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