50. "Merlin! I'm sorry!"

Start from the beginning


The darkness was still there and he had been wondering, if he should try to wake up or let go of the fragile hold he still had on the world that had taken the one he loved from him in this most cruel manner.

Was there still hope for them? Had there ever been any hope? She hadn't laughed at him when he had found her in the deserted courtyard and neither had she tried to leave when he had kissed her. She had been facing up to her fears before she had been willing to come to him with the news of them going to have a child together and the courage to stay with him.

Hermione was his light and hope. If there was a chance for her to ever be with him again he would better make sure he was there for her when that happened. He just loved her too much as that he was willing to let her go.

The skin he could feel with his outstretched fingers was no longer as cold as it had been. The dragon was slowly moving as he stroked the wings folded on its back. No, he wouldn't let go just yet. As long as the cubs were still tapping their tiny paws on his back and he could feel her dragon move there was hope. 


It was nearing the end of November. Hermione and Draco had by now been spending close to a month in a state of absolute unresponsiveness. Neither of them answered to the attempts to attract them back into reality of Healers and visitors alike. Harry had been sitting beside her bed every morning before going to work for the past fortnight. It had been strange and awkward to see her in such close proximity to their childhood enemy.

Childhood... That seemed decades ago. Five months ago they had left school. Five months ago his best friend had spend a night with... him. Resulting in her finding out that she was pregnant and the father to her child wanting to seriously spend the rest of his life with her. They had to grow up way too fast due to having to fight Voldemort. Or trying to stay alive despite the Dark Lord taking over his life in Draco's case.

Harry took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Something he had never really done in the past, but since he came here every morning it had become a kind of strange habit. He only ever did it while sitting next to bed that was occupied by his best friend, and her boyfriend. It felt so weird to see them snuggled close to each other, both not aware of the other. Or maybe they were and it was just that the outside world couldn't intrude the world they had withdrawn to.

There had been occasions when he had met Mrs. Malfoy here. She seemed to spend the night in this chair when ever James Mulligan was the auror on duty. There had been moments when he had been seriously wondering, if there was anything going on between his older colleague and the always regal looking woman. Though, there had been the occasional glance between the two that fueled this notion. It wasn't really any of his business, but his curiosity had been roused by it.

Hermione's face looked peaceful. It had lost the ghostlike greyness and if he hadn't known any better, he would have said that she was just sleeping. It was a deathlike sleep though. One out off which she might never wake up again.

He shook his head. He shouldn't entertain thoughts like this. She was going to wake up again, any day now. He hoped...

His thoughts were wondering to his own fiancée, Ginny. She had pretended to be fine when ever he had send her an owl or met her in Hogsmead. He knew better.

The short time he had believed himself in the same boat as Malfoy had been rather strange, but very illuminating nevertheless. It had been a wonderful feeling that came with the knowledge that a new life would be coming into this world and that it would be forever connected with him. Imagining their offspring to have Ginny's eyes and his hair had made him smile. Maybe Ginny's hair and his eyes would have been just as cute. There had been the moment when he had been wondering, if Malfoy would let him read the first part of that book Hermione had got for him. The one for the modern wizard.

The door opened and Wilson entered. He nodded towards Harry and then went over to speak with Dawlish in hushed tones. This was his cue to leave and go to work. With one last glance at the seemingly sleeping form of his friend he left the room together with his colleague in order to floo to the Ministry. 

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