Chapter Ten: Skipping School

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I went back to school the day after Dean and I visited my mom. I had convinced Becca to let me borrow her car today, so I didn’t have to wait on the bus. Good thing too, because it was raining, hard, outside. It made it a little harder to drive, but at least I wouldn’t get to school completely wet.

When I finally did get to school and into my classroom, I found that Dean wasn’t there. ‘That’s odd,’ I thought. ‘Dean’s been here every day since he got here. I wonder what’s wrong.’ My curiosity was growing, and so was my worry. What if he was hurt? Or sick? Or what if Sam was hurt?

With the bell planning to ring in a minute, I got up and grabbed my stuff in a hurry. I scurried out the door in the back of the classroom. I cringed when I heard the shrill bell from the hallway. ‘One day won’t hurt…,’ I told myself as I opened up the school door that led to the parking lot.

I ran to the car and whipped out my phone. The thought had occurred to me that I could have just texted Dean from the classroom, but I had an overwhelming feeling that I should check up on him. So, that’s what I was going to do.

Hey, Winchester, why aren’t you in class? Everything okay? –K’

I set my phone down on the center console and rested my head on the headrest. I suddenly found myself grinning. I was skipping class! It was easier than I had originally thought. My phone buzzed. I picked it up and opened the text.

Everything’s fine. I just didn’t want to go. You’re back at school today? –Dean’

‘Not anymore. Where are you? –K’

He texted me his address and I started up the car. There wasn’t too much traffic on the road, so it was an easy drive. Although, I did get lost a couple times. I drove into a few neighborhoods before actually finding my way.

I got out of the car and leaned against the frame of the car. I was parked in front of a cheap motel. ‘This can’t be right…’ I thought. I checked my phone. It had a room number listed. I ran a hand along the wall as I walked to room number 5. After knocking once, the door flew open and there Dean stood, smiling like an idiot.

“Hey, Kim. What’s up?”

“Nothing really. I just got… curious when you weren’t in class this morning.”

“Curious? That’s all?” He smirked like he knew I had been worried about him. I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, now quit being cocky and let me in. It’s cold out here.”

He stepped aside and I walked in. Sam looked up from the handheld game he was playing and smiled at me.

“Kim! What are you doing here?”

“I should ask you the same question.”

He shrugged. “Dean didn’t go, so he said I didn’t have to either.”

“Ah. Well, that was nice of him to do.” I looked up at Dean. He was watching me a smiling. I gave a sweet smile, but a venomous glare. The whole expression told him that I’d like to talk with him in a minute. His smile faltered and he looked like he was trying to figure out what he did wrong.

Sam and I talked for a little while. Dean fretted in the corner. I had to admit that it was funny to see him worried over something; to see his calm and cool demeanor torn down. At the same time, I didn’t want to see him like that. It made my heart hurt, as stupid as that sounds.

I stalled for as long as possible. Mostly, I was trying to piece together what I would say to Dean when the time came. But, a little part of me also didn’t want to face what I had come to the realization to.

Finally, I walked outside and leaned against the wall. Dean followed me out and stepped in front of me, wringing his hands slightly.

“What was with the dirty look back there?” he asked.

“You’re staying in a motel, Dean,” I said flatly.

“Yeah, and? It’s a great set up! Plenty of room, plus like, a hundred television channels and on demand movies!” he babbled.

“That’s not my point! People don’t live in motels, Dean! They stay in them, and then they move on!”

“So? I don’t see where this is going!”

“You really are an idiot, aren’t you? You promised me that you would always be here with me! You can’t do that if you’re hopping around from place to place!” I was irrationally angry with him at this point, though I wasn’t shouting. I shouldn’t have expected him to always be around like he promised. They never stick around. That’s why it’s better to be alone.

It was like my words had just dawned on him for the first time. His expression, which had been harsher before, softened.

“Kim, I’m not leaving for a while. I’m going to be here for you.”

“You don’t really know that, do you? One day you’re just going to pick up and leave this town behind, won’t you?”

“Don’t talk like that! I’m not just going to leave you alone, alright? I promised you that, and I’m going to keep that promise! I swear I will. And whenever I do leave, if you need me I’ll,” he started, but I cut him off.

“You’ll what, Dean? What are you going to do for me when you leave? Nothing! You’re not going to do anything besides break your promises just like everyone else does!”

Dean cupped my face in both of his hands. His thumb gently wiped away a tear that I didn’t know had leaked from my eye.

“I’ll come running back whenever you call for me,” he said. “I’ll always come back for you.”

I sighed and hugged him tightly, probably cutting off circulation to some of his limbs. But, he didn’t seem to mind that much.

“You are infuriating and confusing and stupid and I hate you, but you’re the best friend I’ve had in a long time, Dean Winchester,” I said. A few tears ran down my face, but I didn’t know if they were from happiness, or joy, or anger, or what. All I did know was that ever since Dean came here, I’d been crying a hell of a lot.

He chuckled and I could feel it vibrate through his chest. “You hate me? That’s not very nice. Especially since I…” he trailed off.

I looked up at him. “Since you what?”

He just grinned and shook his head, drying my cheeks with his thumbs once again. Then, before I really knew what was happening, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I didn’t have much time to react because the kiss was over just as quickly as it had started.

“Since I really like you,” he smiled and strode back inside.

I put a hand over my mouth and leaned against the brick wall. All I could muster to think was, ‘What the hell is wrong with that boy?’ I laughed lightly, nervously, to myself before walking inside the motel room again. 



I'm back from my short lived vacation! So, back to updating! Since tomorrow is Christmas, I was thinking about doing a Chistmas themed chapter, but I realized that my story is currently set in the middle-ish of Fall, so that doesn't make much sense, now does it? Anyway, I was thinking of doing a mini story for tomorrow that was out of context of the current plot. It would just be a little extra thing. What do you think? Let me know if you want it!!! 

By the way, if you haven't already, check out my other story The Two New Spies! It's not a fan fiction, but it's still pretty good, I think. If you do check it out, leave a comment there and tell me if you like it! 

Until next time!~

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