"I don't have time for this," I said to Tyler.

I tried walking away but he dragged me back over.

"Not now." Brandon said as he tried to walk away, but the boys dragged him back over to me.

"Brandon likes you, Paige, and he wants to hook up with you," Tyler said to me, then he turned to Brandon and said, "There you go, I did it for you."

The group of guys laughed as Brandon didn't do anything but stand there.

"Oh, please." I muttered, and walked away.

I felt Tyler try and get me again but I finally reached Todd, which stopped him in his tacks. Todd was talking to this kid named Riley, but he stopped when I came up.

"Oh, sorry, I lost track of time." Todd apologized sincerely when I interrupted their conversation, but that wasn't the reason why I was there.

"No, no, don't apologize, it's just that I need to talk to you about something," I explained.

Todd probably heard the urgency in my voice, because he led me upstairs so we could talk. Surprisingly, one of the rooms were empty. It had a desk in it and looked like an office.

"What's wrong?" He asked, toying with my hand.

I took a deep breath and started to explain.

"So I'm outside, and Penny tells me that Brandon was saying crap about me, and that he's probably going to start with you. I came inside to find you to make sure that nothing happened, and stupid Tyler has to pull me to the group of guys. They kept saying Brandon had to tell me something, but he wouldn't even look at me because he's such a coward. So anyway, then Tyler says, 'Brandon likes you, Paige, and he wants to hook up with you.' Like what the hell? I was so pissed off and I just walked away."

Todd listened to every word I said and instantly stood up.

"Where are you going?" I took his hand and pulled him back.

"No, Paige, I have to go kick Brandon's ass since he won't leave you alone."

"Todd, no, don't!" I plead.

I recoiled from his hand, though, and his sudden cold mood. I had never seen Todd so angry before. I didn't know what was going to happen or what he would do. Fighting doesn't solve anything, and you sure as hell must be crazy if you're going to fight over someone like me. I'm not the kind of girl that two guys should be fighting over. Sure, Todd was tough and could beat up anyone in our school, but Brandon was just as strong as him. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, since it would be an even fight.

I chased after Todd down the huge, swirly staircase, but he was so fast that he disappeared straight into the crowd. From the top of the steps, I looked into the center of the large, extravagant room and found Todd approaching the group of guys. I dodged down the stairs.

I made it to the guys in the middle of Todd and Brandon's conversation.

"But you shouldn't be talking to her at all." I heard Todd say.

"Todd, let's go!" I hissed, but he didn't even pay attention to me.

"Listen, Brandon, you had your chance. You blew it. Don't you get it? She doesn't like you anymore, and I don't know why she would considering what a douche bag you are. She's my girlfriend. Don't look at her, don't talk to her, and don't even go near her!" He growled.

"Aren't you 'gonna say something?" Someone in the crowd called to Brandon, who wasn't doing anything.

There were a few other murmurs, but Brandon still didn't react.

"No, because Brandon is a coward." Todd whispered.

And then, the next thing you know, Brandon's fist was meeting Todd's face, sending him back to the floor. He hit him. He hit him hard.

It was silent. That eerie, creepy silence where you don't know what just happened or what's going to happen next. The small crowd grew to about everyone there. The whole room was full and people were pulling out their phones to record the fight that was about to go down. I had to help Todd, so I leaned down to where he was on the floor, but he was up before I knew it.

Todd's fist punched Brandon's face, sending him back to the ground, too. Suddenly, Brandon shot back up and they both started attacking each other. I screamed and begged for them to stop, but no one heard me over the chaos. No one was winning; it was fair. They were on each other for another minute until there was one final hit.

That hit belonged to Brandon, throwing Todd to the ground on his back. He didn't get up, or move at all. I was terrified. I knelt to Todd's side, whose nose was bleeding. His hair was knotty and a mess, and his arms were a crimson color, where bruises would soon form.

And then, in the complete silence, Brandon whispered, "I know all about your secrets, Todd."

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