She opened her eyes more before she froze. W-what? She asked

Sabrina lowered her arm and started to look as her surroundings trying to remember what happened. Wait a minute... this is the warship isn't it? She asked herself

Sabrina continued to look around before she noticed something beside her she looked to see a silver servo she froze again before she looked up to see Megatron, her eyes widened as she was about to gasp but she covered her mouth so he wouldn't hear her.

Sabrina continued to look at the warlord before she looked around to see what she was on and slowly began to move to the edge when she did she looked over it before looking at the warlord again he was not looking at her. Alright Sabrina.... Now! She said to herself

Sabrina then jumped off the edge of the berth closing her eyes waiting to hit the floor, but she stopped falling suddenly she didn't know what to think before she opened her eyes again to see she was not on the floor but in Megatron's servo.

Sabrina stopped before before spun around looking at the warlord who was now looking at her. "Where were you going?" he asked her

Sabrina just started at him not sure what to do or say, Megatron then started to lift his servo Sabrina looked to the side before she tried to jump off his servo. Megatron just looked at her funny before he lowered his other servo for her to land on.

Sabrina continued to try and get off Megatron's servos but he kept on catching her. "Sabrina will you stop?" he asked. "After all these years since your disappearance this is they way you say hello to your Father?"

Sabrina froze again to hear that. "W-what?" she asked

Megatron then lifted her up to his optic level, Sabrina looked at him still stunned to hear what he just said. "Didn't expect me to be your father did you?" he asked

Sabrina just looked at him before she shook her head, Megatron gave her a little smiled he knew she would be stunned to find the truth about her like this. "S-so if you're my f-father..." Sabrina started to say and looked away. "But Ratchet said I was his..."

"His Niece?" Megatron asked

Sabrina looked at Megatron again. "Yes..." she replied

Megatron sighed. "Regrettable... but true." he said. "We can't choose family."

Sabrina just looked at Megatron again not knowing what to think, before she finally was calming down know she knew who her father was or what Starscream also called it sire. Sabrina then looked at the warlord remembering what he had done to her friend before he had even come to the Autobot base.

"You hurt Rafael!" Sabrina stated

Megatron just looked at her not sure what she was meaning before he remembered the little human child he had nearly killed. Oh dear what is she going to say to me... he thought

"He nearly died after what you did!" Sabrina snapped. "I almost lost a close friend of mine!"

Sabrina continued to rant at him for hurting Raf and Megatron just sat there taking it, he sighed as she was still going at it. "Yes, Yes I'm sorry..." he said

Sabrina just looked at him before she looked away and sighed. "Sabrina... can you tell me what you remember?" Megatron asked her

Sabrina looked at him as he started to lower her to the berth. "Like what?" she asked

Megatron set her down on his berth before he got up and turned to her. "Do you remember you real name... or anything before you disappeared?" he asked

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