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Sabine's POV

Whoever said love was easy? I loved someone, I bet we all have. I bet we all have had our heartbroken. The man I loved, he loved me back. He doesn't anymore, he can't anymore. I'm alone now, well not completely, I still have Hera, Zeb and Chopper, they are amazing friends. But I can never love again. I gave my heart to this boy, I can't let him go. I've tried, I fought. Nothing worked for me or us. I still have hope. I can't give up hope or I'm done with this life.

I miss him. He doesn't miss me, he knows I exist, but only as someone to hate, doesn't knows we once loved, what we once were. He's gone, the empire took him. They take everything from us, for what? Power, fear. They won, they won this time. We lost, I lost not only a lover, a friend too. He tried to save him, that only got him killed. I truly miss him.  He'll come back, one day. The question is for what? To finish us off, for us to love again, or for something else no one knows about or can predict.

When they took him, I had hope we'll get him back. We all did. We didn't see it coming, they came, they took, they killed. Then he was gone just as soon as they came. We tried to get him back, but we were to late, the man I knew was gone. He almost killed me, almost. Kanan saved me. He paid for that with his life. Now it's just the four of us, all that's left of the ghost crew. All that was left of my heart died with Kanan. The Empire is too cunning now. I blame Thrawn. I blame the Empire. I blame Tekara.

I'm only barely making it by, I'm only barely living. I'm not living for myself anymore, I'm living to help others, who have better futures than me, than us. Hera tries to stay positive, but I know she's broken inside, we all are. Chopper is the only normal one, anymore, he tries to cheer us up. Sometimes a smile slips though my lips for one glorious moment. Zeb, poor Zeb, he misses him too, they were like brothers. He was like the brother Zeb never had. He was like the boy of my dreams I could never catch.

Sometimes I wonder, was a happy ending ever planned for us. Maybe a kid, a wedding, a honeymoon. I cry myself to sleep thinking about what could have been. I try to move on, only to be forced to remember the horrors again. I have hope we will be happy, eventually, in this world or the next. I sometimes think I might join him, I haven't decided yet, but will he remember me if I do? Probably not, but I'll see him again. I sometimes dream of seeing him again, those dreams turn into nightmares too fast.

I hope to love again, I know I can't. He was the first and only one. I blame Vader most of all he was the one who did this to him, hurt him. Hurt us. He turned my laughing smiling boy into a weapon of destruction. He turned my shoulder to cry on into a wave of hate. He turned my blueberry into a monster. He turned my heart to stone. My only hope now is that he will remember who he was, who he has always been.

Ezra Bridger.

The dark truth is he's hunting us now.

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