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Ch 38 Mrs Lovett's POV

I wake up with a jump i look around and see in on the couch i sit up and my whole body hurts. It takes me a moment before i remember what all happened. Sweeney. He almost killed me. Again. I start shaking out of fear what is he going to do to me next . i see one of his razors on the table i grab it and hide in the corner until he comes back.

"Nellie" he says after a minute he comes walking back in i start to shake even harder out of fear but i have to be strong.

"Don't move" i say sounding as manising as i can as i come up behind him biting his friend to his neck like he's done to me so many times.

"Oh god nellie you're ok i'm so sorry..." he starts to say but i push the blade into his back a little i hate hurting him it kills me not to fall into his arms right now but i can't i just can't have this happen again.

" don't speak. You're going to leave and you're not going to come back understand" i saw starting to get angry we could have been happy we could have had a great life. A small tear starts to fall but i let it drip all the way down my face.

"Nelli please i'm so sorry i don't know what happened to me" he says moving i stumbled back holding the razor out. What if he hits me again i back up more until i hit the wall.

"No you don't get to apologise your word then albert ever was and what's even harder is i loved you" i scream as i steady flow of tears runs down my face i look up at him and He looks genuinely sorry for what. I want to forgive him but i'm so scared.

"Nelli i'm sorry... " he whispers and moves closer making me jump a little

"Just leave" i state filling my voice with resentment. He did this to me to us

" i got the doctor when i woke up i saw you there on the floor i don't remember much but when he came he said.... He said you were pregnant" he says rather fastly it takes me a moment to process what he said.

" a child" i whisper. A child his child. Oh are all the demons from hell sent to torment me. I've always wanted a child with him but not now not like this.why.

"Yes our child nelli" he says and a small smile crosses his face he moves closer to me and i jump dropping the razor. It's not enuf for me to worry about my own life with him but now a child he could have killed it before i even new i had one.

" just leave sweeney" i mumble shaking my head i always wanted a child but not like this. I think of the happy life we could have had but he ruined it.

" i love you nellie" he says kindly taking my hand in his for a moment i want him to hold me for a moment i wanted to kiss him but then i feel the pain in my hods and anger boiled up inside me. How does he do this to me he makes me feel so safe and so scared at the same time. I slap his face as tears run down mine.

"No you don't get to do that you lost that right the moment you hit me. God you're worse than albert. I hate you sweeny and i hate myself for loving you Just get out. I yell i'm mad for all the times he made me cry after everything i did for him. I grab i knife from the table and walk toward him Backing him up toward the door.

"Pet please just wait" he says i won't live like this any more i can't i won't.

"Out" i scream throwing the knife that sticks in the wall the moment he runs out the door. I collapsed to the floor crying. I press my back up against the wall and pull my keys to my chest. What am i going to do.

"Mum" toby says walking in the door with a bag of groceries. He drops them and runs to my side.hugging me.

"I'm alright love" i say with a shaky voice god if it wasn't for toby i don't know what id do.

"Wear is he" toby asks carefully looking up at me with sad brown eyes.

"He he's gone.... And were going to" i say sternly pulling myself up im not going to live like this anymore i waited fifteen years for Sweeny and it almost killed me. I can't wait fifteen more.

"What do you mean" he says standing up as well looking confused.

"Pack your bags son were leaving" i say walking out of the kitchen. I have to get out of fleet street.

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