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Can we lean to love again


"don't I know you she said" Sweeney whispers looking down at that women's corpus. That women who once was his Lucy. She's not anymore not since she poised herself. Nellie new this and she couldn't bare to tell Mr. T the truth she just couldn't.

"you knew she lived" he says looking at Nellie with such anger and grief in his haunting black eyes. She remembers when they were a warm brown but that was before.

"I was only thinking of you" Mrs. Lovett says with a sad and ashamed look passing across her pail face.

"You lied to me" Sweeney yells looking at the body before him. Oh how he hates this deceitful woman in front of him. Living. Living while his Lucy is dead it should be her not his Lucy on the floor.

"no, no not lied at all know I never lied said she took the poison she did never said that she did poor thing she lived but it left her week in the head all she did for months was just lie there in bed, should have been in hospital but wound up in bedlam instead poor thing better you should think she was dead, yes I lied because I love your id be twice the wife she was. I love you could that thing have cared for you like me..." she rambles on and Sweeney tries to listen but the rage. Wait did she say she loves him. When, since when. Before she can go on he cuts her off.

Mrs. Lovett you a bloody wonder and practical as always as you've said repeatedly there's little point in dueling on the past. Sweeney get up and walks towards her eyes widen in fear, Sweeney likes this. She should be scared of him.

"I swear everything I did I swear it was only for the best" Nellie says quickly if only she could make him understand how she fells, she's always loved him, and always will. He's so close she thinks but she's scared of him but her mind travels else wearer to wear she wishes she was. Still close to him but in a different way. He expression softens.

"so come here my love nothing to fear my love what's dead is dead" Sweeney reaches his hand out to the baker she takes it, he's about to slit her throat right there but stops when he her.

"can we still be married" she whispers; she really does love him. Sweeney hesitate Lucy still left him the minute she took that arsenic and Mrs. Lovett was there for him. Always. No she lied to him she is the reason Lucy is dead. Sweeney sweeps nelly in to a small dance closer and closer to the bake oven.

"The history of the world my pet "Sweeny says it's almost a running joke between the two of them. He kills she cooks one day tell go down in history, if anyone ever found out that is.

"Oh Mr. Todd oh Mr. Todd leave it to me" Mrs. Lovett says in a sing song voice; she will always take care of Sweeny. She looks at him with love in her eyes.

"is learn forgiveness and try to forget" Sweeney thinks about that for a minute could he forgive the baker for what she did, shoreley he dosnt love her, shes the oppiste of luck dark hair wear lucy had blond bold and rash when Lucy was meek and quite, hot tempered and sensual wear as Lucy reasonable and virtuous. His eyes travel to the baker once more he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't attracted to her. Nellie is strong wear Lucy was week.

By the sea Mr. Todd well be comfy cozy by the sea Mr. Todd were there's no one nosey" Nellie says it's always ben her dream to be with the Baber

"so let's keep living it just keep living it really living it" Sweeney yells Nellie fells the heat on the back of her neck she sees the oven he's going to kill her then and there. Oh god fear takes over her body as she prepares for her fate she fells the heat but then cold and.... Wet then she fells pain in her head. She opens her eyes to see Sweeney there on the ground. He through her hard at the last minute from the fire

"Mr. T "the baker says carefully moving closer to the sad man before her. Her heart beating fast as she gets closer.

"leave me" Sweeny says gritting his teeth he should have killed her he wanted to but her eyes her warm brown eyes so much like his one called to him.

"there, there I'm so sorry "the baker cries rubbing his shoulder softly

" out!!!" Sweeney yells and Nellie jumps but Sweeney's hand are quick and they clasp around her neck and tighten the two of them stay like this the baker try's to fight him off b but just when her hand starts to fall Sweeney lets go. Mrs. Lovett starts to cry not being able to move much she try's t catch her breath but one look at the man she though she loved complete terror takes over. The barber just looks at her with no emotion what so ever. Nellie sees him for what he is now he has no hart at all. The baker with all the strength she has left gets up and starts to run but when she is almost to the top of the stares she trips on her dress and falls.

"oh god what have I done, Nellie" Sweeney says and that is the last thing the baker hers before her world goes black.

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