ch 27

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Ch27 Mrs. Lovett's POV

"It felt good to tell sweeney about albert. I had always wondered if he knew about him but didn't car. I mean me and sweeny's past held its secrets everything that happened between us we tried to forget. But as we both know the past has a way of creeping up on you. Sweeny spends most of the day in his shop. Poor thing is so worried about Johanna coming and what he will do.

"Mr. T i brought you some lunch you haven't eaten all day" i say walking into his shop when i have the chance.

"I'm not hungry but thank you" he says trying to be kind to me. He's changing for the better only a few months ago he would have yelled at me for interrupting him and made me get out.

"Have you decided what you're going to tell her" i ask coming up behind him.

"no " he says starting to phase. He sure does an awful lot of that.

"She has a right to know" i say simply sitting on the old trunk.

"I know but how do i tell her. How much do i tell her" he says stopping he looks at himself in the cracked mirror on the wall.

"All depends she'll have questions herself, ancer them and go from there" i say standing up and running my hand over my dress. Alway covered in flower.

"Your right. As always" he says giving me a sad smile.

"Now eat your food. You'll waste away up here" i say giving him a kiss on the cheek and i walk out the shop. I really wish we could move. Sometimes i can't stand the sight of this place. One day we can move by the sea. It be so nice the sun and sand no gloomy fleet street

"By the sea married nice and proper" i sing to myself as i start to make pies. I put the final touches in and bring them down to the bake house. I really do hate this place. The back house is dark and damp full of rust and dirt. I keep it clean as i can but there's not much i can do with it. Going upstairs i see a women standing at the doors weren't open but if she wanted a pie i could use the money.

"Can i help you " i say closing the bake oven door" she has curly blond hair and crystle blue eyes, not much different from lucy.

"Yes wondering if you had a pie, i know your not opean but im in a hurry to get to work. She says pleading with here eyes. I smile kindly at her.

"Of courst come in itll be just a minute" i say she sits down and i put a pie in the little oven to heat up.

"Wear do you work dear" i ask leaning on the couner. I never did like science it makes me uncomfortable

" i'm a seamstress" she replied moving a piece of hair out of her face. I admire a working women times is hard for us out there.

"Nelle i've got it i'll tell her..." sweeney says barging in making the door slam scaring me and the lady.

"Mr. T i have a customer" i say cutting him off before he says too much

" oh sorry. Sorry miss" he says he walks close to me giving me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush.

"I'll be in the parlor" he says smiling and walking out

"Sorry bout him, he gits worked up easily" i say handing her the pie.

"Who was that" she says a little in awl" i look at the spot were sweeny was.

"Sweeney Todd, he lives upstairs" i say fondly i start wiping the counter

"He your husband she asks eating her pie.

"No, were. Were. courting" i say not really knowing how to ancer that. Its like were marred but we arnt. Were more comfortable than just to people courting would be. Were in the middle.

"Well thats nice thank you very much mam" she says eating the last bit of pie

"You're very welcome... " i say not knowing her name

"Clare" she says walking out the door. I finish cleaning and start to get ready for the lunch rush.

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