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Ch23 Mrs. Lovett's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling like shit my head hurts. Hell my whole body hurts. I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling in my room. gray . it's a dull boring gray. Seems fitting just like my pathetic excuse of a life. I roll to my side and stare at the spot wear sweeney is supposed to be. Its funny being in love with a serial killer. One moment there loving and passionate the next there cold and cruel. I can never figure out what goes on in sweeney's head or how he really feels. At least when it comes to me.i get up and walk to the bathroom to clean myself up. I look in the mirror and see what i expected. I look just as bad as i fell the dark circles under my eyes have come back. I put makeup on then start to get dressed. For i moment i think about going to a bar but decide against it. Walking into the kitchen i see the open bottle of gin i left out the night before. I grab a glass and the bottle and take it back to my room. Sitting on my bed i pour a glass.

"Here's to me. A bloody wonder" i say laughing. I down the glass and then another. I pick up some knitting and start to work. I never really nit anything before but i figure toby could use a new scarf. Niting is much harder than it looks, maybe it's the gin but i can't get the dam yarn through i give up and through it on the floor drinking another glass of gin.

"Nell" i her sweeney say opening the door slowly.

" what do you want" i say glaring at sweeney as he walks in the room. I look at his face and for the time being it's pretty emotionless.

"Never mind just leave me be i'm busy" i say slurring my words a bit i stand up and start to walk to the bathroom.

"Pet i.. I " sweeny says advancing towards me a bit.

"No i don't want to hear it. Just go sulking off to your dark little room and paced the floors like you always do" i snap turning around to face him

"Are you drunk" he asks when i start to wobble a little. He comes closer steding me with his hands.

"So what if i am. Doesn't matter. Maybe i should just walk out of here without a word. Maybe i'll come back maybe i won't. " i say smaking his hands off me.

"I'm sorry the letter i got it was" he starts looking down at the floor

"Yes the bloody letter that had the infamous sweeney todd in such deep confliction that he couldn't pspblu tell anyone so he had to running off the face of the fucking earth" i yell after i say this i realize how dramatic i'm being but he needs to understand how hurt i was

"I'm sorry the letter was from Anthony" he says looking up at me

" and also the fact that.. Wait from Anthony" i say at the mentony i sober up a little bit we never did hear from him and Johanna that night when we disposed of the juge.

"There coming on the 17th" he says pulling the letter out of his pocket and handing it to me.

"The 17th that in four days' i say taking the letter i start to read my eyes widening as i finish the letter.

"She was here.. But when" i say and i se sweeney with his head in his hands

"After i killed the judge i found a young boy in the trunk and i almost killed him but i heard you scream.. I let him go" he explains taking the paper from me we sit on the end of the bed.

"It wasn't a boy it was johanna in disguise. She saw me kill turpin" he says putting his head in his hands again.

"Oh darling" i say hugging him a little. I can't believe how foolish i was. I mean he shouldn't have just walked out like that but i understand why he did.

"Why didn't she go to the lay i wonder" i say standing up and i start to phase.

"And if they're coming here we have to have somewhere for them to slle i suppose the back room will do i have to clean it up though and what about food.. And" i stop and look over at sweeny.

"Will you tell her you her father" i ask i also wonder if hill tell her about the killing but that will come later.

"I don't know" he says looking up at me with complete helplessness.

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