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Ch35 mrs Lovett's POV

He left again I can't believe he left again. My eves start to tear up as I watch him walk down the street. I know seeing Johanna reminds him of Lucy but..... I thought we had past that. I open up shop and attend to the lunch and dinner rush. While me and toby are cleaning i can't help but look around just waiting for sweeney to come back.

"Toby love why don't you see if you can stay at your friend's house for the weekend " i say smiling while we eat dinner. I hate for him to see me break down like this and I can't have him around when sweeney gets back.

"Are you sure mum" he asks looking concerned such a good lad always wanting to help out. I smile and nod.

"Yes dear you need a break" i say he smiles at me and goes to pack his things and ask his friend. Once he leaves i look up my shop i leave sweeneys unlocked in case he cames back in the middle of the night. I finally let myself cry a little as i look around my room while i sit on my bed.

"I'll be loving you always, not for just an hour not for just a day i'll be loving you always. always " i sing softly through my tears. What is wrong with me. Sweeny could never really love me not when he has had lucy. I shake my head as i lay on my bed. Why can't i ever find someone who loves me.

I wake up the next morning with puffy eves. I'm glad i sent toby away i wouldn't want him to see me like this. I look at my reflection in the mirror. My skin is pale i look almost ghost like with my dark hair. I sigh as i put on and old dress. I slowly walk up stairs to see if sweeney is there. But to my disappointment he's not. Why is it people always do this to me. All my life people come use me get what they want and leave. My father my mother. Everyone.

I remember the day my father left i was around six my mother found out he was having an affair. She kicked him out. I remember crying that day being so scared at hearing my mother yell. My mother married me of to albert. I remember he talking to my father about it and he agreade. Father walked me down the aisle although i didn't want him to. I hated him for leaving. And her mother, well she all about abundant me after i married albert. I told her what he did to me and she just shrugged and said it was norman. normal . it's normal for a man to beat and rape his wife. After that moment i didn't talk to her much and when she died i was sad but i didn't cry.

I decide to go for a walk maybe i'll run into sweeney walking to a small park i see lots of happy children running around playing happily. God i wish i was young again free of all responsibilities. A boy kicks a ball and it lands right by my foot one of the boys comes running over.

"Sorry about that Miss" he says with an apologetic smile and i through him the ball.

"It's all right dear" i say and he goes running off. Making my way back home i walk up to the barber shop to see if sweeneys there. I open the door and look nothing. Wear would he go it's brn i full day and there's not a sign of him anywhere. I start to clean his shop a little bit since i have nothing better to do.

" as long as he needs me or yes he dos need me in spite of what you see i'm sure that he needs me." i sing softly as i wipe down the chair i look over at the desk and see the picture of him johanna and Lucy.

"Who else would love him still when thys been used so will he knows i always will as long as he needs me." a tire starts to fall and i wipe it away. I wish i could have a happy normal life.

"I won't betray his trust though people say i must i've got to stay true to. Just as long as he needs me." i sing holding the last note as the tears start to fall. I try waiting up for him that night but my eyes start to get heavy and i fall asleep. I wake up the next day and still no sign of sweeney the whole day goes by in a flash next thing i know i'm closing up shop and wiping the counters. I start to wash the dishes when i hear a loud bang on the door. I turn around and see sweeney standing there.

"Sweeney" i yell happily and run to in wrapping my arms around him after a minute i realize he's not hugging me back.

"What did you have to go and scare me like that for" i say starting to get angry. I feel tears start to prick in the back of my eyes but i don't let them fall. He just stand there glaring at me. I wait holding my hands in my lap hoping for something.

"Lucy" he say glaring at the ground shaking his head. I wait wanting him to explain more.

"It all you fault. You lied" he says stepping closer to me. Only then do i smell the strong scent of alcohol on his breath. This is worse than with albert he may have hurt me but sweeny he could kill me.

" i lied cause i love " i whisper he's standing so close to me now i try to back up but his hands grab my arms and he start to shake me.

"You killed her you killed my lucy" he screams in my face as i cry out his hand collided with my face and i gasp falling to the ground taking a glass vase with days with me. I fell the glass cut my legs and hands

"ben please" i cry but realizing i said his old name.i hit my head as well and i can feel it pounding. Why does it always come to this. To bleed to death.

"You did this" he yells standing over me i corrour away into the corner but my vision starts to get blurry.

"I still love you. I say feeling myself lose coununess. I fell so much pain not just physical but mental as well. I can feel my heart breaking. he comes closer to me with the knife and my world goes black.

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