I need you with me (Minishaw)

Start from the beginning

"well next 3, I have a pack opening going live in 2 hours, I've already scheduled a tweet and everything, No one expects me to upload more than 1-2 videos a week anyway " Harry laughed and everyone laughed with him.

"so you are not going to post this on twitter yet?"

"no, If I'll get time I'll edit this tomorrow and put it up tomorrow afternoon."

"so no one can tweet about this"

"can you pliz don't I really want to tell everyone myself. " Harry said and everyone agreed about that. This was Harry's to tell no one else's.

Then they saw the ambulance pull up and 2 guys came out with a bunch off stuff. Harry was so glad to see them, he felt like his knee was getting to double the size it should be, he was also in so much pain, he was hoping that would stop now. He knew that it was a bit of a stretch but he hoped so.

"hello, what's your name?"

"Harry Lewis"

"and how old are you Harry?"

"I'm 19"

"can you tell me what happened?"

"Simon can show you how it happened, but I pretty much ruined my knee when my friend ran into me"

"well I can say that you have not ruined it, but can we take a look at the video" they asked and Simon stopped recording to find it.

"do you want the gas and air?"

"what does that do?"

"It's makes you feel kinda loopy"

"then bring it on" Harry said and he got given a inhaler that he had to hold in his mouth.

"the effect will kick in after about 2 minutes, just breath in slowly and then breath out. Keep your breaths long and deep, we don't want you going into shock"

"yeah OK" Harry said and at that moment Simon had found the video, but Josh was still filming. Harry was calming down with the gas and air.

"Oh that's not good" the paramedic said when he saw the impact that Harry's knee had taken, it looked like it had hurt so much

"that's quite a hit kiddo"

"yeah" he said nodding, sucking in the gas and air. Simon started filming again

"OK Harry, we are going to get you to the hospital, we are not going to put the kneecap back here, we are going to have to secure it in place, OK"

"How?" Harry asked worried

"we are going to put pillows under it and then strap your leg to them so your knee will be stuck in the possession that it's in right now" the other one said they then took the pillows and straps out of the ambulance and put it next to Harry's leg.

"OK this is going to hurt, but it has to be done" one said and then he lifted Harry's leg from the ground and Harry just started screaming in pain

"NO, NO, STOP, NO, OWWWW" but it was over quite quickly and Harry took a deep breath with the inhaler.

"that's it big breaths, now we are going to strap your leg in, are you ready?" they asked and Harry just nodded, not over the last pain waive, but that did not really hurt that much, only when they were strapping the straps over the knee joint. As they had to be sure than Harry's knee would not move at all.

"OWWWW" Harry moaned out and held his left arm over his eyes, but the other one was holding the inhaler

"good job Harry, now we are good to go, I'm going to get the stretcher and then your friends will help us lift you up, OK"

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