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I haven't been writing in a while, and I have a really good reason. He won. Trump won. I really stayed up for all day Tuesday because I was scared for the election. My friend and I were watching the poll's all night, well I was because she fell asleep at 2, but the second I saw that Trump won I couldn't sleep. I just thought of all of my friends who's parents are immigrants and how its gonna effect the nation. My mom said I could've stayed home from school but I went because of my perfect attendance. When I got home I almost passed out from exhaustion and not eating but had to stay up for my dentist appointment. And I just found out I have a D in math. It's just been a very stressful two days. I'm still recovering but feel like crap. But it's not healthy for me not to eat seeing as I'm so light, it's really close to being underweight. Good luck with life

Love you all- Mira Shards

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