Chapter 9: Blush

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Still will)

We eventually got through the portal, and I let shooting star down. She smiled at me and stretched. "Thanks will.. But why did the girls have to be carried through the portal?" I blushed. "U-um well, you see.. S-since Astrid was being carried, I thought you wouldn't think it was fair.. S-so I carried you. Sorry if you wanted to w-walk.." I looked down. Shooting star came up to me.. And kissed my cheek. My head shot up. "Um.. W-what was that for?" I asked, in a panicking state. She smiled, showing her silver braces, with little pink spots all over them. "Thank you.. That's what it's for willy." I blushed. "O-ok. Welcome..o And will is f-fine." I replied. I love you I said.

Would You Give It All?       Dipper X Reader     By; PugInShades Where stories live. Discover now