Sweet Serial Killer

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Sweet serial killer.

Third person pov

There was screaming and bombing in a friendly suburban street. The cries which seemed endless transmitted from a tear stained mothers face as she flinched from the bombings noises which flew right pass her. She was lying on a dead mans body continuously repeating soothing words to his lifeless and bloody body. And there, behind the crying mother was a little child. A girl. With shimmering golden hair that seemed to be radiating its own light, and strong golden eyes which can allure all into her innocent features. She had golden skin too. She looked like a small pure golden figure. Within moments the mother crashed to the floor near her loved one, the little girl glanced at the two lifeless bodies. Before the young girl stood a man tall and Proud of this brutal sight. He reached down for the little girl and soothed some words into her ear. ‘shhh. Its gunna be alright now. I’m your new family. Understood?’ she nodded her and with that the two figures left. Leaving behind the sight of hell.

this is just the beginig. sorry about it being in 3rd persons pov but it wont be from now on. xx

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