1 : The Game

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John Saltier suddenly awoke, yawning as he sat upright in his bed. His mother was probably at work again, leaving him home alone.

"It's Saturday...." John said as his brown eyes suddenly drifted towards the window to his left.

"It's snowing?"


Ruby jumped around excitedly.

"YANG! HURRY UP! WE'RE GONNA MISS OUT!!!!" Ruby shouted up the stairs. Yang however snored her life away, deciding that it was best that she didn't wake up.

"Uh. FIne. I'M GOING WITHOUT YOU!" Ruby shouted after several more tries to wake her sister. She didn't dare take a step into Yang's room just to wake her. Only their mother, Summer Rose, would do that. Ruby quickly ran out of the house, the money already in her hands as she quickly ran her way towards the game shop closest to her home.

The words "Sword Art Online : Released TODAY!" were in large, colorful letters above the small gameshop.


John lazily walked down the stairs, yawning as he opened the fridge and pulled out a glass of milk.

"John." A very annoying female voice called out behind him. He poured himself a glass of milk before responding.

"What is it this time, Kara?" John asked, turning around and facing his little sister who, like him, had black hair and terrifying red eyes.

"Sword Art Online came out today!" Kara shouted, practically shoving the game disc into his face as he drank.

"That game Mom was helping to make?" John asked. Kara nodded her head excitedly.

"Cool. You gonna play it?" John asked after swallowing the milk.

"Nope. We are!" Kara shouted. "Mom bought us two VR helmets to use! Come on!" Kara shouted playfully, putting one helmet on the table in front of John and quickly grabbing her own.

"I even got two copies of Sword Art Online for us!"

"Sure, why not? Let me eat first."John said, quickly opening the fridge again and thinking nothing of the harmless game.


Ruby quietly opened Yang's door, hearing a quiet conversation going on between her and another unknown person. Her silver eyes peaked into the room, spotting Blake Belladonna, Yang's best friend.

"Oh. Hi Blake." Ruby said, quickly jumping into the room and throwing the VR helmet and game at Yang.

"Thanks for waking up!" Ruby shouted at her sister.

"Sorry Rubes. Thanks for getting me the game though!" Yang said, pointing a thumbs up at Ruby.

"Well. We playing or not? Blake got one as well!"


John suddenly landed in a dense and beautiful green field. He turned his virtual model's head around, finding that the sensation felt like he was in his own body.

"Not bad." John said, smiling as he suddenly opened the menu and noticed that the logout button was missing.

"Probably just a glitch. It'll be fixed soon." John said, opening the player chat and attempting to send a message to his younger sister. He'd called his character "Jhinson", taking the name of his deceased father. His sister had taken the name "Caitlyn", after their mother.

"Nightshade" : A RWBY X Sword Art Online Crossover!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon