I laughed, “You honestly expect me to believe that you can turn into a wolf? That’s funny.  Yep, I knew it, you are definitely on something.  Mushrooms? Acid? Both? Of course, only I could ever be this unfortunate and have to completely depend on a crazy druggy as my only hope of surviving in this god forsaken forest. Wonderful.”

Steven shook his head and started taking his clothes off.  “Whoa, there Steven.  I am not looking for any funny business from you, so you can just go and waltz those clothes right back on.  He didn’t listen.  All of the sudden he was the on the floor and bones were snapping and then there was a flash of light and BAM there now stood the wolf from last night.

I shrieked. It’s sad to say that I probably caused us both to lose some of our hearing that day.  Focusing on the wolf, I tried scurrying away from it, but sadly my back was already against the wall. 

The chocolate wolf lowered its ears and whined.  Awww! When it did that it was such a cute little puppy.  I reached my hand up and rubbed my fingers through the soft and puffy fur.  Like a child, I grab it around its neck and hauled it up to my chest and cuddled it. 

‘Who cares if he was a wolf­- I mean shifter’ my mind told me, ‘he was fluffy!’ but then I remembered that the wolf was also Steven so…

“Hey!” I pushed him away, “No free boob pillow for you.” The wolf whined at me.

Ha I knew it! He liked that he was able to be coddled right on my chest. No, no, no, no, no!  Not going to happen buster.

“Shift back, now!”

Within seconds, Steven was standing back in front of me stark naked.  I stared. ‘Those are some nice abs.’ I thought.

He smirked. “Like what you see darling?” My checks burned. 

“You’re such a jerk!” I exclaimed.

“I wasn’t the one ogling, princess.”

“I have a name you know! It’s Adrianna. Thanks for asking by the way.”

“No problem, Anna.” He said, finally putting his pants back on.  He made no move to put his shirt back on though.

God this man was frustrating. 

He held out his hand and I accepted it so that he could pull me up to my feet, “Come on, it’s time to go practice getting you to shift to your wolf.”

“What do you mean I can shift! What did you do to me?!”

“I may have accidently changed you yesterday when I licked you when I was in wolf form and healed your cut.” He started. “Humans won’t always change with just saliva from a shifter, but since I’m an alpha, and you’re my mate… well let's just say your DNA was highly compatible with mine.  Especially since you did end up shifting in the middle of last night.”

“But," I sputtered, "I don’t even feel any different, so it isn’t even possible that I’m like you!”

He yanked me with him out of the cave and started to pull me back into the dense forest.  “Well, you’ll never know if you never try right?”


Hours later he in fact proved me wrong. 

At first I was frustrated, seeing as I didn’t believe him and saw it was pointless to even try. 

“Come on princess! Just imagine yourself as a wolf.” He shifted all the sudden and pounced right at me.

I screamed and then I had an even bigger reason to scream when I felt my bones snapping, everywhere, at once, in my body.

Moments later, I was standing on four feet- paws and was staring down at the  bundle of white fur that now covered my body. 

I shook myself out, enjoying the feel of the wind brush across my new silky body. I looked up to find Steven, still in wolf form, wagging his tail in victory.

I growled, he was going down.  I pounced and ended up knocking us both down to the ground with me on top and his furry little hide on the bottom looking somewhat stunned at me. 

I grinned a wolf grin and gently put my paws down on his chest to prove my victory.  Instead he growled and flipped our positions so that he ended up on top and shifted back. 

“Now imagine yourself human again.”  He said still hovering over me.

I closed my eyes and felt myself become human again without any pain.  When I opened my eyes, I found that he was now staring at me with lust in his eyes.  Slowly he lowered his lips so that they hovered just over mine. 

 We came together for the first time that day and it wasn’t until we were both breathing heavily later on that I realized the ramifications of our actions.  What if wolf man got me pregers?  I was definitely not ready for little puppy munchkins to be running around.

love this chapter

-nikki <3

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