"She's not..." He repeated. 

For a moment, I froze. I looked up at him and hesitated. 

He wasn't going to like this - he really wasn't going to like this. 

But there was no time to think - no time to consider how he might feel. 

I inhaled, going down in an instant, leaning over her, our mouths connecting. 

His hands latched on, shoving me over. I stumbled back, catching myself on an elbow. When my eyes met his face, I could see the feverish blush rising, a frenzied, sheepish expression. 

"Get away from her!" He must've known his demand was irrational - completely trivial and insignificant, considering the current situation - because the second he said it, he shuffled back. 

I stared for a moment, not knowing what else to do. Then, I took his quiet nod as an indication. I leaned back over and continued, arms out in front of me, palms to her chest. I pressed down repeatedly, rhythmically. 

I paused. Another breath in. Another set of compressions. 

A pause. A breath. More compressions. 

Another pause. Another breath. Even more compressions. 

Another pause. Another breath...

I looked up at Tom. He hadn't moved in a long time. He stared with bulging eyes, staring. His flaming fists dug by his sides, uprooting the earth's soil. 

More compressions...

My arms began to grow sore and weak. My lungs ached. I began to feel light-headed. My own breath became shallow. The continuous exertion was ebbing to the bone. 

I shook my head. I couldn't go on anymore. 

He mirrored me. His head shook back, almost as if to share the telepathic thought. 

"No..." His voice quaked. "No." 

His voice altered. He stood, and something began to tremor from underneath. The trees began to groan and the wind began to shift and reverse. The current of the wind seemed to carry him, feet lifting above the ground. 

His body hung in the air, suspended by a ring of fire igniting from below him. 

Leaves kicked up and spun in a wind tunnel, almost as if some sort of opposing force or energy had broken gravity around them. 

I stepped back slowly. 

His chant was deafening and a growling, contorted noise. I couldn't understand his words. They were incoherent, lost in the echoes of the other layers of pitches.

Then, all at once, the leaves dissipated and he plummeted back down to the ground. His summoning circle of fire died and an outwards projectile wind rushed past me. 

The leaves settled, the trees cracked and whistled. 

Silence fell. I was about to approach him when he lifted his head above the deep pit he had created in the soil. 

"Tom..." My voice was quiet. I wasn't even sure if he heard it. 

Another silence passed before he turned, almost in a panic. 

"I - I can't find her." 

He got up swiftly, kneeling beside her once again, eyes set and focused. His resilience was startling. I tipped back, away from his reach. 

His movements were shaky and clumsy. With all his strength, he hoisted her up and into his arms. Her head fell into his chest and her legs dangled. He stood, taking a first step, yet he staggered and became unbalanced, dropping to one knee before retrying. He got up without another wasted second. 

Painted Lies and Demon Eyes (SVTFOE Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now