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After swordfighting practice with Pearl, Steven invited Connie to go have an picnic on beach.

Steven and Connie road on Lion's back on the way to the shore.

The sunlight shined on their faces while Steven grabbed his shades from his hotdog bag. He put on flashy black sunglasses and tried to impersonate Garnet. Connie giggled and looked around if Garnet was watching somehow. "Wooow" laughed Connie.

"I've been wanting to wear these" says Steven blushing a little.

"Oh, you keep can keep them on" Connie said when Steven placed his hands on his shades. He hesitated and then instead slide his hands through his fluffy hair.

"I-I wasn't gon-" Steven paused & looked up. Instead he asked

"I don't look weird


to you?"

[me: of course u don't senpai -(+-+)-]

"Nope" said Connie.

Then he smiled and faced Connie which was busy checking her phone that was buzzing earlier. Then it ringed for an call. She picked up right away without telling Steven a word.

She gave Steven a (Hey, im gonna take this.) look.

Then Lion put his face on Steven's Hotdog bag and grasped some CHAAAAAPS™ from his mouth.

"LIOOON" cried Steven.

He pulled away the chips from Lion.

Steven's POV

I wonder who was that????


If it was her mom, I could have heard her before because she always shouting into the speaker.

I thought the only people are on her contacts were me & her parents.


[(-_-) huhhhh isn't that Stranggeeee stevy]

I stared at Connie, she was smiling the whole talk. It looked like she was enjoying whoever was on the phone.

I faced lion, playing tug-a-war with the chips. Then


The bag of chips popped open and the chips were everywhere.

I heard Connie giggle which made me a little happy that she didn't forget that I was even here.

(I wished I brought another bag of chips) *^* steven thought.

~Beep~ [lol idk the sound when you end a call]

"Hey steven, I'm gonna go get my phone chargerd at your house" "I'll be back in-na bit".

>*>>>*>time lapse >>>1 hour maybe*>>>*>>>*>>>

I popped a grape in my mouth and then I spitted out the seeds the opposite direction.

-Lion ate them-

The rolled my eyes to Connie, she was reading another book.

Stareeee;;;; o-o

Connie looked back

O~O "umm-ahhh!!-hh..." I yelled.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Perfectly fine" I answered and stood up. >\\\\\<

BEEP-BEEP (car horn)

"Oh!" "Its my Mom" she packed up her things and ran towards the car. "See-ya Steven" she shouted and waved her hand good-bye.

I waved back. "Bye"

She probably didn't least she saw the hand wave?

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