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Juliet's POV

I had gotten a handful of letters that week, all from Harry. Each one filled with a sweet poem that made my stomach churn. After a week of reading, and re-reading letters, and sobbing my eyes out, I finally decided to write him back, and maybe explain to him why I had left. But no, fate doesn't want a handwritten letter telling him. Fate wants us to do it in person. And that is how Harry and I ended up talking in a local cafe that next weekend. It's kind of ironic on how it happened really.

Mia, my best friend, had begged me to go get her a coffee, seeing as how she was addicted to Starbucks. I had tried to talk her out of it, but she kept saying how she hadn't had a Frappuchino in 5 hours, at which I rolled my eyes. When I was walking to the Starbucks, I saw a mop of curly hair, and I felt my heart burst. But my pulse quickly slowed when I saw it was someone else that was no where near to Harry. As I pushed open the door, I heard the song, "Ironic" come on, and I chuckled to myself, not knowing I would come face to face with those green eyes I've missed so much, only minutes later.

Letters to Juliet - Process of EditingWhere stories live. Discover now