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Cana's POV

I am siting at the bar with a barrel of boozs next to me and natsu starts another full on brawl while fang is gone again. "And he's at it again..."I mumble softly to myself. I chuck a barrel at natsu with the intent of hitting him but i miss and it hits Fang in the face..... 'I'm so dead'I thought scared out of my wits. "Who threw that me?"Fang shouts. "Hint one: Pink hair."a new voice said. "NATSUU~"I hear Fang say/yell in a very pissed voice. 'Oh thank god i'm saved' I thought to myself. " I'll need to thank her for that." I said. "Hunnngg maybe I had a little tooo much~ "I say softly as my head hits the bar counter hard with a 'WHAM' sound.
(Some time later brought to you by lazy Fang-chan)
'Zzzzzzzzz' I snore softly soon I'm being woken up by some one shouting in my ear "... huh" "...ake..... wake .... WAKE UP!!!!" My dad shouts in my ear and i hit him in the face and he fall on his ass. "Ouch..."He mumbles while rubbing his face softly. "Not planing on waking me up like that again are you dad?"I ask sweetly. Gildarts shakes his head no while getting up. "Good. Im going back to sleep."I state bluntly. " like hell you are, fang brought someone new home with her. She been introduced to everyone but you!", He yells. "Daddy I have a hangover stop yelling at me." I say whining. "Here, use this. Don't stare at me like I'm giving you poison, it'll help get rid of the hangover. Tastes like crap, but it works." "Thanks but umm who are you?", I ask. "Oh right, you don't know me yet. Hello my name is Lily Lezconzy, and you are Cana right?" " yah but how did you? Did dad tell you?" " no, fang told me." She said. Ah, okay and thanks for telling Fang natsu hit her." I said. "Oh that, I was just stirring the pot." She said smiling. "Sadistic much?" I asked in a curious tone. "No not really, I just like stirring the pot."She giggles softly. "Wha... Why?"I ask in a confused tone. "It keeps the dark guilds far from you when you don't want them to be on your ass." She said sounding depressed. "We just beat them senseless around here so why not do that?" I ask. "No one has the gall to stand against The Bloody ice Phoenix." Said Macarov. "Master I didn't see you there." Fang says in a cheerful tone. "Umm... Fang who or what is this?" Asked lily. "This master Macarov our guild master. And he is also a wizard saint. So please don't follow natsu's lead in causing trouble." Fang begs sadly. "I'll make no promises on that." Said lily. "I apologize for my rudeness master Macarov, I hope you can forgive me?" Lily said with a small smile. "I can and will, but Lily dear we're all friends here so please remove the hood." Said Macarov.

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