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I don't own any fairytale characters only my oc character and my friend owns cint. Anyway please vote and comment.
Fang's P.O.V
(End of her s-class mission)

'Finally its over!' I shouted in my head. "Well that was tiresome." I said in a bored tone. As I walked back to the mayor's house to get the reward money i got a call on my lacrimma (if I even spelled that right....?) "Hello?" I ask sweetly. "Hey Fang did you finish your mission yet?" Master makarov ask in a curious tone. "Hai, master I did I'm now going and getting the reward now." I say bluntly. "I'm very proud my child. And at your age I'm surprised your not injured." He spoke with shock. "I'm full of surprises master. Anyway I'll return soon."  "Very well my child. Have a safe trip back and please be careful." Makarov said in a worried tone. "I will master don't worry. Please tell natsu not to annoy me when I get back." I say in a tired tone. I end the call and head to the mayor's place with a tired expression on my face.
 I knock on the mayor's door. His maid opens the door and lets me in and I head to his office. "The bandits have been beaten and locked away for a long time Mr. mayor." I say bluntly to him. "My word! You finished that quickly, anyway here is the reward with a bonus for no destruction of the town." the mayor spoke happily and surprised. "Thank you sir. I really appreciate that." I spoke honestly to him. "Well I must be on my way home and I hope everything goes well after this." I start to head to the train station from the mayor's home.
(At the train station)
'Well this was a boring mission...' I thought boredly to myself. I bought a ticket to magnolia town and I walk onto the train to my seat and I wait for the train to leave then a hooded figure sits across from me.
"Who are you?" I ask sweetly.

Please vote, comment, and add it to your reading list if you like it. Till then sweets, ciao for now.

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