New Faces in New Places

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It's December. Looking outside the classroom window I see majestic white snowflakes fall from the clouds that are also white. Tuning out whatever the teacher is saying, I look across the room at him. The only other Asian in the room, Jasone. Also known as my Senpai. I look at him a bit longer and then, the incredible happens. We make eye contact. Our dark brown eyes meet and he looks around the room and back at his artwork. I look back down at my own blank canvas. What should I draw? I start by making a blue background. Then adding some trees and a few birds. And now, the main attraction. Just as I start adding the final touches... Jasone walks up to Kelly. The "other" Asian in the room. I wanted to end her right here and now. My hand was clutching the pencil even tighter while I drew. She was the only other girl I knew of to have a crush on Senpai. Clearly, she don't understand. Senpai is mine. Once the bell rang I ran as fast as I could from the classroom bumping into Kelly along the way. As I reached the door, I turn around and quietly say, "Kelly, I so sorry," but she was too busy flirting with Jasone to notice. My heart shattered a little bit every step I took. I cry the entire way from the art room to the front entrance. While walking up the bus steps I do a misstep and begin to fall backwards when I land into the arms of another. I start to turn around to see their face, but my vision turns blurry and I lose sight of the world.
I awoke in the dimly lit nurses office. It took a full minute to fully comprehend what had happened earlier. Sitting up I walk outside the nurses office back into the hallway. I see my mom talking to the Ms. Usa at the front desk. My mom looks at me and screams, "YOU IDIOT DUMPLING!!! HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME MISS WORK FOR THIS!!!" I looked down at my sneakers not knowing what to say. My mom grabs me by the ear and marches out of the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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