Stuck in the Middle

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Dear MissRadMad,

so here's a story that involves two of my friends and a jerk. I need some advice on what to say to my friends.

Here my friend Alabaster she is dating the guy she thinks is "the guy of her dreams", but everyone knows he's a jerk but her. Last week the jerk dumped Alabaster and she was heartbroken. Then comes along my friend Blake (not his real name either) and since he's Alabaster's friend he and I try to make her feel better. I've known for awhile that Blake has a crush on Alabaster and that he is the nicest guy in the world, she finally sees that a few days after her break up. It was about a week later when they started dating. Now the Jerk has comeback because the girl he left Alabaster for realized that he is a huge jerk. Of course Alabaster took him back in a heartbeat. Now Blake is really hurt and I can't get through to Alabaster. What can I do to help them?


Stuck in the middle (p.s. Sorry if spelling and stuff is wrong everywhere)

He is a jerk!!! He cannot use girls like that! you can't dump a girl and then just cause it suits you ask her back out again, it's not right!! -.-

Blake seem's soo cute! and so nice,  and i can see your troubles.

Alabaster shouldn't have taken the guy back but it is plain to see that she is still not over the guy, i think what she really needs is to get away from guys all together, have a month or so by herself, single and get her perspective of thing back to normal, unbiased and then see where she wants to go. Is she does go back to the jerk it is her decision, there must be something about him that is special to her. maybe another, sweeter side, she see's. But she may go for Blake. In the end it is HER decision and other than suggesting that, there is nothing you can do.

As for Blake, i can see why he would be really cut up about it and I feel for him I really do. I would just suggest to him to give her some time to clear her head and think but if that doesn't work to move on. This failed relationship is just a step on the way, helping you grow and prepare for your special someone.

As you can tell I strongly believe there is one person out there who is meant for you, I have found my Mr Right and am here to help you all find yours!! I strongly believe that every failed relationship is put there to help you grow as a person in preperation for that special someone adn that everything happens for a reason, to prepare you for your future.

Hopefully that has helped you anyway and that Alabaster will see sense. 



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