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(Nandini's POV) The place was huge. I have never been so nervous. I wonder if Manik could feel my hands shaking. We entered and people clapping for us and congratulating us. Aunty had invited all employees and business associates of the Malhotra groups, family members, clients and friends and family friends. We had exchanged our rings and were bestowed with wishes by everyone present. It was almost late night before Manik and I could move from the stage. As we were getting down, I got the shock of life, my Mom and my Grandfather were walking towards us. I looked at Manik. He looked puzzled too. I just froze. I couldn't move one step. Manik had to drag me down. He held my hands firmly.

(Manik whispered) "Maa is asking us down. Don't worry; I will be there with you, holding your hands throughout. You are no longer the nine year old child that your Grandfather had abused."

(Nandini's POV) It struck me like lightening. I am no longer the child who couldn't answer back against a person. He cannot change my life anymore like he did before. He cannot take anything from me any longer without a fight.

(Nyonika) "Manik, come on. Let me introduce you to Mr. Sen. He was once the legal advisor to our company but later he moved forward to achieve what he wanted. This is his daughter, Sharmishta Garg."

Sharmishtha Maa had smiled at us with compassion. I wonder how she would feel if she knew it was her daughter's engagement.

(Sen) "Oh, we met at the registrar office. You are Mrs. Singh's boy. It didn't strike me since the surnames were different. Ah, the young lady too, we met there. Ah, so you are marrying the lady that Venkatesh had represented. Nice to meet you again. So, Mrs. Singh, is this marriage of your choice?" He still thinks people marry for money.

(Nyonika) "Ha ha, Mr. Sen. You must realise that even if the marriage is arranged, until and unless the children wish to love each other and put an effort to continue, the marriage will fail."

(Sen) "True. How come I don't see the girl's parents?" In my head, answers to his questions kept replaying but I couldn't speak them out. My parents, he asks. Well, one of them is standing right beside him.

(Nyo) "They are dead. She and her brother grew up with their Paternal Grandfather. But after he died when she was in high school, she grew up with her guardian, Mr. Iyer." Nyonika Aunty's answers were partially true. Sharmishtha Maa looked stunned to hear Uncle's name. But I have nothing to worry about. Rishabh and I are not the only children uncle takes care off.

(Sharmishtha) "What? Iyer? You mean Venkatesh Iyer?"

(Nyo) "Yes, Mrs. Garg. Why do you know him?" I must give Maa I mean NYONIKA aunty an applaud for her due regard in acting. I am glad that she sticks up for me.

(Sharmishtha) "Yes. A good friend. Are you sure she grew up with him?" When she insisted the question again, I got scared. Can she recognise me? I don't want her to know me. I clung to Manik.

Manik answered her.
"Mr. Iyer is a man to be respected. He is guardian of numerous children and sponsors their education. My fiancée is one of the girls benefited by his benevolence."

(Sen) "I see. She is a nobody."

(Nandini's PoV) I perked up hearing this. I really wanted to talk right back at him but Manik replied back calmly,

(Manik) "She is a very good consultant with a keen eye for business. There are many people who benefit from her talent and I must say they are not in the least dire to work too hard to rise up in life. They have grown wealthy from Nandini's accurate predictions. It is only a matter of time before she is recognised widely. Speaking of which, why don't we go, few of our important clients are waiting to meet us, Maa if i may leave"

Manan : I have started living my life after you entered ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant