Tsukiko's Sweet Sixteen

Start from the beginning

She sighed, being angry was never her thing anyway. "It's okay, I forgive you", she stuck out her hand which he took and pulled himself up so he was standing. He glared at Mitsuki, who gave him the 'Sai Smile' while Tsukiko picked up her book which had fallen on the ground.

"So can I bet as well?", Mitsuki asked as he began walking with them.

"No", Boruto had now calmed down "it's something between me and Tsuki".

Boruto didn't miss that evil grin on Mitsuki's face.

"Don't even start guessing", he warned him.

"Whatever. Oh and good luck with that ", Mitsuki said.

Boruto only scowled, but his face softened when he looked back at the female of his team.

"Tsuki", he called out to her.


"You know you're forgetting something".

"Really? Well what is it?", she'd opened her book a while ago and was now glued to it.

Boruto walked up to her and pulled the book down so he was staring at her face. "Happy sixteenth birthday!".

She blinked.



Three times

'Ooooh yeah! I totally forgot!", she blushed in embarrassment, "I can't believe I forgot that", she muttered to herself.

Mitsuki looked at her, puzzeled "your birthday party is in half an hour, your mom had it all sorted out, didn't you know that?".

She felt like face palming the ground. "I-I didn't know th-that!", she stuttered "I was out on a mission since yesterday!".

"Well ya better hurry cause people'll start coming to your house in the next", Boruto checked his watch "twenty five minutes".

Oh sweet Sharingan! How was she going to get ready in only twenty five minutes?! She was a girl for crying out loud! She needed time to prepare herself! Twenty five minutes wasn't enough!

"Gotta go!", she Shunshined to her house leaving Boruto and Mitsuki covered in white smoke.

Once the smoke cleared it revealed an evil grinning Boruto and Mitsuki.


"When ever you're ready".


"Mom!", shouted Tsukiko as she ran around trying to find her "my clothes! I didn't know my birthday was on today! I forgot! Oh and hi. Did you make the cake?! How about the invitations?! Who did you invite?! Did any one come yet?! Are you-", she reached for the handle of her door and was about to turn around the door knob and enter her room when her mom suddenly grabbed her hand, appearing right beside her.

"Honey calm down", instructed Lily gently.

Tsukiko was panting "sorry", she said sheepishly "it's just that-".

"It's okay, I understand. Here are your clothes", Tsukiko's mom's presence calmed her. The woman handed her a pile of neatly folded clothes, Tsukiko didn't miss the fact that they smelt slightly of strawberrys. Yay. "I did make the cake. I did send the invitations. I send them to all of your close friends, though Sakura's daughter couldn't come and neither couldn't Kakashi's, Roselina's nor Karin's, they were sent on missions, sorry about that. And lastly no, nobody is here yet. Go change in the bathroom and then you can go to my room and use my make up, okay? Oh and please try keep Chippie away from the cake", she sighed tierdly "I had to, um, improvise the cake a couple of times because some chunks of it were magically disappearing", Lily couldn't help but laugh a bit as she remembered Chippie's guilty expression when he was caught red handed eating away at Tsukiko's cake.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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