"It's a high risk strategy..."

"So is life; and remember we're not choosing the timing of this contest, Campbell is; probably with Rampling's covert blessing if I read the runes right. If I had my way I'd let them both swing in the wind until after the party conference, but we don't have the luxury of time. My soundings tell me the parliamentary party will grudgingly put up with a fait accompli, but if there's a proper leadership election as is the usual way of things, it will be too close to call, and we wouldn't want that!"

"And in return for my backing?"

"As is customary you can have your choice of the Deputy Prime Minister or Chancellor of the Exchequer." Pullman replied. "And there'd be some cabinet posts - senior and junior - for your followers in the subsequent reshuffle; I can be flexible about remits. If you wanted to combine the DPM and Home Secretary roles you'd be more than welcome to, and you know under my administration you wouldn't be constrained as you are at the moment. The gloves can come off, within reason of course..."

"Of course!"

"...and then midway in the next governmental term I'll retire with honour and it'll be over to you. We can even draw up a written agreement to that effect if you like."

"No, I'm happy enough to take your word for it. But what do you plan to do about Campbell? We can't have a loose cannon his size rolling around the deck!"

"He'll get the usual enforced ennoblement. He can stay in the Lords or go looking for directorships of banks and multinational corporations if he so desires. Just as long as he keeps out of the way and holds his peace."

"And the other thing?"

"That's the reason I've decided to move things up a gear, and we're talking now. Whether McLean was put up to leaking the earthquake report by Campbell or Slater, or did it on his own initiative the effect is still the same; it's a complication I don't need to deal with. I need him taken out of circulation for a while so he can't blab any more."

"Ah, I see... But are you sure it was he who blabbed it? His arrest can be arranged without too much difficulty, but he can't be kept incommunicado for long; and if he is lifted, the very fact of it may concentrate attention on the issue. That may not be what you want."

"None of this is what I want!" said Pullman emphatically. "Normally the likes of McLean and his fantasies wouldn't even be on my radar, but it's not the issue of civil preparedness that's the question, it's the way Campbell and Slater are trying to use it to undermine me! Regardless of his role in the matter, if McLean can't talk to the media they lose their weapon for the time being, and in the meantime I intend to fight back."

"How so?"

"I think it's about time the fact of Ms Slater's workplace romance was exposed to the world. After the story has blown I'll suggest in full cabinet in the strongest terms that both both she and her toy boy resign immediately in order to preserve the government's reputation for propriety. If that doesn't force the issue, nothing will!"

"Yes... That would set the cat among the pigeons! And there'd be the racial aspect as well, but of course that'll be an unspoken subtext... But you're playing with fire old chap; be careful not to get burned! Anyway, when might you be planning to drop this little grenade in their teacup?"

"In a few days at the most. I hope you and your faction will be ready when the time comes."

"Oh you can count on that! I was born ready!"


Having finished sipping a finger of very exclusive scotch whisky, Pullman poured another dram for himself, and then a further good measure for Parsons.

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