It felt like a fire was blazing from within me. I felt like he was insulting me, but he wasn't really. "You think they would still be proud of me? More than half my pack doesn't trust me, my father left me with his responsibilities, but look what happened! My mother is dead! My mate is gone! I'm falling apart! You are insane to think anyone would admire me at this point!"

The look of pity in his eyes made me burn more.

"Your father would never had given you his position if you weren't right for the job. There are cases were the position of Alpha was not given to the sole male heir. I knew your father very much. He was a great Alpha to this pack and he took his position seriously. I agreed with him when he said he would give you his position after he retired. However, I didn't ecpect him to retire so soon."

"So you do agree that I am inexperienced for this?" 

"No, you are the right person as this pack's Alpha." He said seriously and I thought he was nuts. 

"If you believe that than why are you here in the first place testing me?"

He gave me a slight grin and looked at my mom. "Your mother wanted me to play the part. She said you are a stubborn little brat, her words exactly, that needed convincing from the right authority figure. She claimed I woud be the right man to do it, becasue it would also convince everyone else that doubted you."

My hands trenbled as I carsed my mom's pale face. "She was and always will be looking after me." 

"I promise you that you will have your revenge over her. We will make them pay for making us feel this pain." He reached out his hand, after I covered back my mother's body. "You remind me of myself when I was around your age. I made a lot of stupid desisions, but when I met Peyton my world starting clearing up. You are not alone in this Lucca. Right now, you may feel alone, but you are most deffinatly not." 

"Alpha Soren, come here quick!" 

His thick shoulders stiffened and for a brief moment I noticed a faint celtic-like tattoo on on his backside, barely visable under his white t-shirt. We both ran into the house through a broken window and up the burnt stairs. We went into a room that seemed to be my old bedroom. I couldn't even recognize the contents inside because everything was badly burned. 

"What did you find?" We entered my closet where one of my men was kneeling on the floor with his hands covered in black ashes.

"I heard something that sounded like whispers underneath the floor." 

Alpha Soren looked at him as if he were about to tell the guy to check in to a mental ward. My eyes widened when I remembered I had a trap door in here. 

"Move aside, please." 

"What are you doing?" Alpha Soren hovered over me curiously watching me push aside debre.

"Help me clear the mess." I said. 

Selene had known about this opening, because I had told her about it one time. She must have used it! I pleaded with all what was left of my broken soul that she was safely inside and alive. 

Alpha Soren dropped to all fours helping me. "This is crazy." 

I saw the latch. "Help me left this up." 

When we did, the opening echoed with nothing but emptiness. It was completely dark inside and all we could see was an abyss of blackness. 

"This was pointless." Alpha Soren groaned. 

When he said it somthing within growled. We looked at each other wide-eyed and in unison dipped our heads into the hole almost knocking heads. 

"Selene." I yelled. My voiced echoed back with no response from her or anyone. "You heard it too right?" I asked the guy behind me. 

He nodded. 

"Who is in here? I demand you to tell me who you are! I am Alpha Soren!" 

Suddenly piercing cry erupts and a boy's voice calls back. "Daddy!" 

Next to me, Alpha Soren manages to hold back his tearful laughter. "Sammy...Marielle, my babies!" 

"Daddy!" Samuel in a happy tone repeatedly. 

The cry of an infant child joins his sister. 

"Ian...!" Alpha Soren smiles.

"Daddy, I don't like it in here!" Marielle continues to cry. "I want mom..." She sucks in a breath, "They took me away from mommy!" 

Alpha Soren cringes at the sound of his daughters cries and the information that Alpha Peyton was still in danger. 

"Do you know where Selene is?" I ask her with despiration. 

"She made us go in here and she left us! The mean men took her, daddy." She cried harder. 

For the second time today, I felt like the other half of my heart shatters. 

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