Chapter three.

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The lobby is crowded as representatives from across the solar system wait for their hovers. "That's mine!" The Ceres ambassador yells in French, pushing aside the Neptunian and Rings diplomats. The Neptunian Farrah just brushes it off, but the Saturn-rings born Garith looks like he's about to go punch the Ceresian. Ceres and Saturn's rings have never had the best relationship... not since the corn incident.

I lean against Finn's shoulder, waiting for our hover. My eyes keep drifting closed; I hadn't realized how exhausted from travel I was.

"Mars!" Someone yells. I bolt up, seeing the guys from earlier, the one with the green eyes who offered to take our bags, waving and pointing at a hover. Finn quickly runs over, and I follow, weaving through the crowd.

Farrah from Neptune stops me once I'm nearly there. "How is it being off planet, little Martian?" She asks kindly. She's a sweet woman- probably one of my favorite visiting diplomats I've ever met.

"It's exhilarating." I tell her with a smile. "I can tell you more at the meeting, but my associate and I really need to get going."

"Of course." Farrah smiles, her brown eyes kind. "I'll see you two shortly."

I slide into the hover beside Finn. My fingers almost meet that strange green eyed guys when we both try to close the door,  but I jerk away.. "Allow me to get it, miss." He says politely, closing the door. The hover slowly peels away from the lobby.

We're at the center in the blink of an eye. I brush off my red dress, straightening the little Mars pin that's attached to my chest. Then I straighten Finn's matching red tie and Mars flag pin, much to his dismay.

"Callie, I can do it myself." He argues.

"I know." I smile. "Just want to make sure it's perfect." I brush a strand of hair out of his face. "Let's go."

The convention center is already full of people. I thank my lucky stars when I see that the Uranians are seated far away from the Martians. I'll be avoiding that table like the plague.

Someone laughs loudly, and everyone turns to look at the source of the laughter. It's a woman clearly from Earth; she and the man beside her have that air of Terran about them. Very brightly colored clothing, their hair hanging long and not pinned up, the way their hands are freely intertwined. Terrans have a much looser society than even Mars or Neptune, both of which boast the most accepting governments in the solar system. It stems from them being the origin of humans; they can afford to be this way.

Everyone goes back to what they're doing, but Finn is staring at the Terrans. He's always been intrigued in their culture and society. I smile and walk over to them- he follows right behind.

"Pardon?" I step up to the Earth table, where the woman and man are sitting and talking quietly. Their table is covered with a green and blue tablecloth, and they both wear golden pins with the Earth engraved in the center.

"What can I do for you?" The woman asks kindly, glancing down at my lapel. "Mars?"

"I'm Calliope Allen." I say with a smile. "And this is Finn."

"Ava Johnson." The woman points to the man beside her, who's sipping from a cup and lounging back in his chair. "And this is my husband Rushil."

"Nice to meet you both." I say politely. "I'm sorry to bother you, but Finn here is quite interested in Earth. Do you think you could talk to him?"

Ava grins. "That sounds like a great idea!" Her smile fades just as quickly. "But I need to make my rounds." She elbows Rushil. "Rush, talk to Finn, okay?"

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