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I've been eighteen for thirty years.

Granted, that's not even that long compared to others I've known. Once I met a man who had been sixty-four for three hundred years. He wanted to find his other half so badly...

People don't age unless they're with their soulmates. At eighteen, people stop aging until their first skin to skin contact with their other half. In some people's case, in the sadder cases, their soulmates die, and they'll be stuck at that age until their soulmate's reincarnation reaches that age.

And then there are stories of people who have lived for thousands and thousands of years. Stories of people who have been killing their soulmates to live forever.

But then there are those like me. I'm a new soul. Which means my soulmate is also new soul. And if we're lucky, we'll find each other soon, and we'll live an almost normal human life.

If we're lucky. 

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