Chapter 12:Mr.Teddy Bear pt.2

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It was Jason, who called me. He ran to me while holding a cone of cotton candy in his right hand. "Cathy, where did you go? I was getting you some cotton candy" said Jason when he turns around and saw Victor standing next to me, saying "And you, are...?". Victor responded "Her classmate, Victor Watson's. I accidentally, bump into her" Victor lied. I mean, did he really 'accidentally' bump into me? He did saved my life, but what should I do? "Y-yes. Jason, this is my classmate" I smiled and just play along with it. I stared at Victor and introduces Jason, "This is my..umm.." . I didn't know how to introduce Jason . Should I introduce him as my 'adopted brother', my adopted father or my roommate? 

        Suddenly, Jason brings out his left hand as if he's going to introduce himself. "Jason Holland, I'm a friend of hers " he added. I didn't know what to say, so I stood there, smiling to both of them. Victor shakes hand with Jason and smiled. "Well, I better get going. It was really nice to meet you, Jason" said Victor, walking away from us. As soon as Victor leaves, I tried to control my angry tense, but I failed and yells "Jason! Why did you left me like I'm nothing to you???". Jason's face turns serious from his early pale looks, when he heard me.

        He grabbed me by my left hand at pulled me, hard. "Ow! Jason, it hurts! L-let me go!" I added. He keeps pulling and it was like my left arm was trying to break itself. I keep screaming myself in silence because Jason was ignoring me. I almost cried myself, because what's going on with him all on a sudden??

        We arrived in front of  our car, and Jason finally released my left hand from his grip. Jason turns around, facing me while he puts his right hand onto my shoulder. "Cathy..".Jason calls me with his staring eyes and comes with a smirking. "I'm sorry.." he added with a smile. I'm so confused right now. First, he pulled me hard, ignored me and now he's apologizing? What is his game, anyway?

        "I..I don't want people to stare at us, so I had to pulled you here. I'm sorry if it hurts. I just don't like being everyone's attention and I'm sorry again for ignoring you. I wanted to make you happy, but it looks like I've failed" he adds, sadly. "Jason..", I stare at him. Thinking of what to say, but suddenly Jason hugs me.

"Cathy, I don't how, but I LOVE YOU!" Jason shouts. I release myself from his war hug and said "Jason..No..N-not you, too!". Jason's serious face turns to his pale looks, and I just realizes that his rasping voice had  disappeared. "What do you mean, Cathy?" asks Jason. I smiled and asks him back, "Jason, I'm very happy that you love me, but why? I'm not saying it's wrong.." and Jason responded "Cathy, we've been living together for two years. I've always reminded myself to love you as my sister, but it doesn't worked. I don't know what has gotten in me, but I want YOU! Only YOU, in my life!

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