Chapter 2:The First Day

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Did I mentioned that Jeremy and I went to a 'private school'? Anyways, it is called 'Horace Mann School'. Jason, and I myself registered to this school. Jason went to the school with me alone because Jeremy is just too free-spirited and too lazy to register. But still, he's good-looking. What's wrong with me? Oh, god. Okay, focus Cathy! Furthermore, Jason and Jeremy referred me as Cathy because my older brother called me 'Cathy'.

        On the first day of the school, I didn't have a good sleep because I was just too nervous and scared. The only reason I would be nervous or scared is because of those mean girls, bullies, evil teachers? I'm not sure but all I know is that I'll be just fine if I just lay low. Okay, I can do this! Suddenly, I hear a knocking. I went to open the door when I hear "Cathy, wake up! Breakfast is ready!". I was positively thought that it must be Jeremy's rasping voice. So, I respond to the shout out with "I know! I'm awake and I'm not deaf!", when suddenly the door opens and Jason's face showing next to my bedroom door. I was going to say something but, Jason make his first move by smiles at me and say "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you're awake". I'm speechless. I've never hear Jason's rasping voice. "Is he not feeling well?" I asked myself. I tried to ask nicely when Jeremy showed up behind Jason and said "Haha, she must thought that I'm the one who shouted to her with my rasping voice, just now".

        I tried to hide my face when Jason said "Jeremy, why are you still in your pajamas? Aren't you suppose to get ready for school?" to Jeremy. I don't know why, but I can feel myself smirking. Jeremy responded "What?!? Seriously? I thought I told you not to registered me in the private school??" and Jason ask Jeremy back saying "And I thought that I told you that you have school last night when you were admiring your lover- Selena Gomez?". I kind of chuckles because Jason and Jeremy's 'cute' arguing, reminds me of my  brother and me. I still don't know why, but it suddenly reminds me of the last day I grabbed my  brother's cold hand, when he was dying. I again feel myself, crying.

        Jason and Jeremy discontinue their 'cute' arguing when they heard me crying."C-Cathy,what's wrong? Did I made you cry? I-I'm so sorry" said Jeremy kneeling in front of me to ask my forgiveness while Jason stands by my back and put his warm hand onto my left shoulder. He asks Jeremy "Jeremy, can you please leave us alone and go get ready for school?". Jeremy answers sadly "S-sure.. Cathy, j- just let me know if I'm the one who made you cried, okay?" . Jeremy left my room as soon as he said it to me those words.


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